Ch. 23: New Thrill

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Dami had to look up the location to find their next possible recruit. It's very hard to find street racing events if you were a normal person. Thank god for the team, they had Dami. They had found out that there was a race coming up soon nearby. This was a couple of days after they got Handong and they were hoping to find Gahyeon soon. Thankfully, she was likely to be there as she is a frequent racer, according to forums under the codename "Fox". "So, the starting line should be under this road bridge, just make sure you're there early. There won't be much time to talk when the race is about to start." Dami said, explaining their plan.

"On it!" Siyeon said confidently. She figured that Gahyeon would be easier to convince than Handong. For one, she knew her for longer. Siyeon had been to some of these races before back when she was on the streets and had a few chats with Gahyeon. Because of these chats, they were able to become close. It's been a while since she has seen her friend, so she wasn't able to catch up on the races they had since then. The reason why she had a hard time now finding the next race was that it wasn't something they would announce on social media. It was something that had to be advertised by word of mouth to trustworthy people. Unfortunately for these secretive people, there are a few idiots who go to forums and post the locations. Because of that, the racers have to be more careful and that makes it harder to get a conversation in when they are paranoid of undercover cops.

Based on Dami's information, Siyeon and Sua went to the road bridge, and luckily, there was a small crowd there ready to watch the race. It was late in the night, so it wouldn't be hard for the crowd to scatter without being identified if they were to get caught. But, because of that, it took a bit of time to find Gahyeon. They spotted the firey redhead standing near one of the suped-up cars talking with a few people. As the two approached her, Gahyeon spotted them with a huge smile on her face. "Siyeon! I can't believe you're here! I didn't think you'd come to a race ever again! What happened?"

"Long story. Hopefully, it's something I can tell you about later. I don't think we have enough time now to tell you."

"Yeah, I only have ten minutes before I have to prep for the race before it starts. I need to get your contact information though! I don't want you to disappear on me again!"

"Don't worry, I plan on talking with you more, but I do have a reason to come here tonight though."

"Ok, what is it?"

"We want to hire you. We need a driver. A skilled driver to help us out and you're the first one that popped into my head."

"What's the job?"

"Can we go to the corner there for a minute?" Siyeon said while pointing to an area away from the crowd. Gahyeon wasn't naive. She knew something was up when Siyeon asked her the question, but she wanted to hear what she wanted to say.

"Alright, but don't go too far."

"Of course!" Siyeon agreed and they walked over to one of the arched pillars that holds the bridge up. Siyeon trusted her, so like what she did with Handong, she told her plan outright. "So, this might sound crazy, but we are planning a heist. We got the rest of the team prepared, but we need a getaway driver. I recommended you because I'm confident in your skills. Plus, there would be a huge cut for you if you join. If you decline and tell someone. I can't promise safety."

"It might sound crazy? You're acting like I haven't been a getaway driver before. Sure, this would be the biggest job, but it's not as crazy as it sounds. It just surprises me that it's you that's planning it. You don't look like a criminal mastermind to me." Gahyeon looked towards Sua. "Is she a part of the crew?"

Sua answered for herself. "Yes, I am."

"Cool, so what do you do?"

"Let's save this conversation until after you agree to join us. I don't want to reveal anything too soon, unlike someone over here." Sua looked over at Siyeon when she said it. She couldn't believe she gave it away again.

"Smart. Anyways, yeah, I'll join. Sounds like fun." Gahyeon said casually.

Sua was surprised by that kind of response. "Oh! So, um. We'll talk about it later then." The cool persona she had prepared for this encounter had fallen due to the unexpected response.

Siyeon gave Gahyeon the same information that Handong had gotten days ago and they exchanged contact information. "Hope to see you then! Good luck! Crush them!"

"You know I will!" Gahyeon smiled back at her and went back to her car to start her race. She was more pumped up than ever since the conversation and was ready to blow her competitor out of the water.

When they got back to the car, Sua was still shocked by Gahyeon's attitude towards the offer. "Is she always like this?"

"Like what?"

"Having thrill issues? I'm not saying it in a bad way, I'm just surprised at how excited she was to do this."

"From what she told me, she had a boring life growing up. It wasn't until she went to one of these street races that she got a new thrill in her life that she never felt before. She wanted to keep feeling it. In order to do that, she ran away from home and never looked back since. There's probably more to the story, but I didn't want to pry."

"Fair enough. It makes sense though. I just hope she doesn't get too carried away by finding thrills and putting us in danger."

"She knows that. She would never take things too far. She doesn't want to endanger others so that she can feel this kind of high."

"Good to know, but you're gonna be the one to keep an eye on her."

"You're making it seem like I'm a parent." Siyeon laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't cross the line." Siyeon understood that Sua can't trust everyone from the get go, but she was hoping that she would eventually.

After they left the bridge, the duo went back to their apartments. When Siyeon was back to her couch, she had some free time that she rarely had lately to just think. She had realized that she'd never thought about what happened between her and Sua, especially with that kiss. She needed closure. She needed to know how Sua truly feels about her. The next day, she'll try to get her answer with no distractions.

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