Ch 13: Jazz Bar

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Sua was standing near the building right next to their target, dressed in black clothes designed to make her gender ambiguous. "Are we all set to go?" Sua asked Dami through her ear piece.

"Just about. Getting ready to set up the dummy footage." Before they planned to break in, Dami recorded an entire night's worth of footage of the place. When Dami hacks into the cameras, she can easily place the recordings over the live feed.

"Did you get the ones out here yet?" Sua asked. She knew that the dummy footage applied to the surrounding area as well, since those cameras could also catch anything suspicious.

"Yep, just finished. You're all set for the side door down the alley."

"On it." Sua walked into the alley while checking her surroundings, making sure there weren't any witnesses around. She took two hairpins out and bent them to make effective, makeshift lock picks. Once she pushed on the pins and turned the lock barrel, the door easily unlocked. Once she had the door open, she was about to head inside. "Robin! Wait!" Dami shouted her code name, just in case someone was listening in on their conversation. They decided to name her after the media's portrayal of her. It makes things a bit fun.

"What is it?"

"Your mask! You forgot to put it on. We have to look out for any imperfections in the plan."

"Your plans are foolproof anyways. Why does this even matter?"

"Even though it hasn't happened, there's still a chance for something to go wrong. It's better to be safe, than sorry." Dami has always been a perfectionist which has always come in handy when it comes to pulling off jobs. Because of her, they have never left behind any evidence. For Sua's case, not only was she an experienced robber, she was also a good listener. She always carefully hears Dami's plans. It's just that tonight, her mind was distracted by a certain person that she had talked to earlier that day. On the way to the job, Sua had just gotten to read Siyeon's message. She wanted this to be done as soon as possible so that she can try her best to comfort her.

Sua puts on her black mask and heads inside, hiding behind one of the bar tables. She had to wait for Dami's response as she was her extra pair of eyes. "Coast is clear. You're good to go in the back room. It's not far from behind the bar. That's the most likely place where they keep their safe." It was weirdly easy to find floor plans for this place. Usually a corrupt business who hides all their money in their back rooms, instead of depositing in a bank, to avoid suspicions would have their floor plans on lock and key. All Dami did was google it. The thing was, there was a door leading to a room that was not on the floor plan. That's where the trackers came in handy. It was Sua's job during recon to place a tracker on the possible owner. This place was a tiny bit trickier since they only had a description to work off of, so they tracked on those who fit the bill. Fortunately, they found their target and knew where to go, but that was only after he hit on some of the patrons before finally going into the back. Despite that, it wasn't too hard to find it's location in the end. "Oh! Don't forget to throw the jamming chip up on to the camera in the immediate area. Remember that you weren't able to come back here during recon."

Sua remembered how observation went. She got slightly distracted by Siyeon, but she was sure to get every camera. "Siyeon, I'll get ahold of you soon." Her memory of the observation made her think about Siyeon's situation and what she'll do to help her. Her train of thought got interrupted by Dami's voice, "Earth to Robin! You confirm the instructions?"

"Copy." She peers through the door and spots the cameras. She only has a few seconds for both of them so that the footage of her opening the door can get erased. "In three, two, one." She flips one of the chips to the camera closest to the door and runs immediately to the second camera and flips the other onto it. Once she gets the clear from Dami, she starts to relax as she has been tensed the entire time. The hardest part is over. Now, onto the safe.

From one glance at it, Sua could tell that it isn't that complex, or at least from her perspective. She had researched as many safes as she can and how they worked. There shouldn't be a problem to crack this one. She also noticed that there wasn't a sound system for the alarm attached to it since there was no evidence of wires anywhere near it. The owner never expected anyone to break into it. Big Mistake.

Sua grabbed her tools needed and got to work. For what seemed like no time at all, the safe opened. As expected, the safe was full of cash. It was hard to tell what was actually hard earned cash or what was blood money. "Seems a little cramped. Here, let me make some space." Sua quipped.

"Are you speaking one-liners to yourself again? You remember I can still hear you, right?"

"Shut up and let me have my fun." Dami could sense Sua's pout from the way she responded.

Sua packed up almost all the cash inside and left the room. She checked her surroundings once more before going to various places to put the calling cards. Yes, cards. Both of them figured that the business owners would get rid of the card if it was put in an obvious place. They had a positive reputation they want others to perceive and something like this out in the public would tarnish it. Of course, Sua put one by the safe. That one was just for fun, to let them know who robbed them. Then she put one in the cash register underneath a stack of cash. She figured that the business owner might go through the register as well to check his money, so she figured that that one might get taken too. It also worked as another tease towards them. As her final act, she had a gadget rigged to one of the cards that would push the card off the exposed, low support beam and float gently onto the bar table during working hours for everyone to see. That part was her idea. She had a passion for the theatrics. Proud of her little plan, she started walking towards the exit. "Looks like a mission success." Getting cocky before leaving, she starts to take off her mask. It only goes up to her mouth when Dami yells at her. "It's not over until you leave the area. Keep the mask on!"

"Alright." Sua does as she's told and waits until she gets to a planned area in the alley to switch over to a bigger bag to put the cash and the black outfit in, letting her be in more casual clothes as she walks over to her car, bag in hand. The first thing that Sua does as she gets in was contacting Siyeon. Being as it was around three in the morning, she wouldn't receive the message until she wakes up. All she can do right now is be patient.

Sua pulled out of her parking spot a block away from the target and started to drive back to her apartment. What neither of the duo noticed was the faulty jammer that captured the last few seconds of her leaving the building.

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