Chapter 1

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You couldn't help but laughing at Childe's face this morning, not only he had to deal with your mighty puke at his house floor last night, he also had to listened to Zhongli's rebuke for about a hour.

Of course, he didn't listen to whatever Zhongli is telling him. Although, he admitted it was quite a jerk for him to mixed your drink with a stimulant pill. It's too much, even for him. Well, you never said anything about the rules in your little game, so why not try a trick or two?

Zhongli sighed while shaking his head. No matter how long he scolded Childe it's not going to do any good, as expected he won't listened. Regardless, he couldn't tolerate the fact that Childe tried to take advantage of his daughter. Of course you weren't his blood-related, you doubted Zhongli ever fuck anyway.

You're technically a daughter from his old acquaintance, who asked him to took care of you since your parents basically dead when you're a baby. And when you learned at your sixteen birthday that Zhongli wasn't your real dad, you felt bad for him by then, decided to not call Zhongli by dad anymore as you didn't want to burden him with the title. A few years later, you found out from Childe the reason why Zhongli never speak anything about your mom is because she's his unrequited love.

You still perfectly remembered how pissed you were back then. Knowing such a important thing from a fatui harbinger who happened to be close with Zhongli right after he came to Liyue. You're the one who always right beside Zhongli, and he's also the one who took care of you, knowing that he once cleaned your poop. How come he told his love story so easily to a stranger compared to you.

Most importantly, it's a story about your mom.

After a while, Zhongli finally told you that he was in love with your mom. You felt guilty of course, he raised you because he loved your mother. However she choosed a mere mortal over him and even got pregnant. Ouch. Not only that, before Guizhong's death in the Archon War she made a contract with Zhongli to guided you until this day as a father figure.

Guizhong said that she sealed you somewhere near the ruins in Guili plains just to prevented anything bad happened to you during this dangerous war. The seal made time stops around you, and you were a baby back then. Later on, Zhongli decided to unlock the seal after a hundred years. He never wanted you, a child from the results of Guizhong and your dad's love. You're not important for him, so it's natural he forgot about you, almost leaving your baby form stuck forever there. Luckily, he still remembered about his contracts with Guizhong.

He finally brought you with him when the war is over as he settled his mind to retire.

At first, he didn't bother to truly cared for you. He was babysitting you like no father would, he was pretty much suck. However as time passed by, he finally developed an affection for you. Sometimes, when Zhongli saw your face, you reminded him of Guizhong. Silly him. Of course you resembled her, essentially you're her daughter.

He had those little flashback about Guizhong's smile which looked like yours, your aura that resemblance elegant and pureness. As your father figure, he would absolutely told you that you're beautiful. Except for your personality, it's the only minus you probably have.

Zhongli always thought you'd grown like Guizhong, who was a kind and compassionate woman. Yet your personality is the opposite of hers. Blame it on Zhongli, he's the one who raised you after all.

"Zhongli-sensei, are you done?" Childe asked innocently when he heard Zhongli stop talking about sex education. Not even bothering to reflected what he did.

Zhongli didn't answer Childe question, he only sent him a glare then he turned his attention to you and flicked your head. "Why are you even here at the first place?"

"Childe kidnapped me." You answered nonchalantly, trying to get Childe into trouble again.

Childe fake gasped and covered his mouth with his hand dramatically. "Y/N, it's bad to lie to your daddy."

Zhongli once again found himself in another cat and mouse fight. For Archons' sake, all he wanted to do is to drink his precious tea that he just brew before coming to Childe's house.

"Childe, know the boundaries. I can't guarantee you can go home to Snezhnaya in one piece if you do something like this again." Zhongli never thought this day would come, the day when he gave a threat to a boy who tried to have sex with you.

"And Y/N," Zhongli's deep voice sent shiver to your body. It's been a long time since you heard his serious tone like this. "Did I teach you to be this soft?"

You startled from your seat, he didn't. Zhongli always taught you to be strong and never let your guard down especially when it comes to boys like Childe.

Childe looked at the two of you in amusement, he could see that Zhongli really loves you like his own daughter. He found out Zhongli's one and only weakness after moved here a few months ago. He didn't find Zhongli's threatened him suprising though, he figured Zhongli is going to reacted this way.

Childe's smile vanished into a smirk when he suddenly felt your presence in front of him, leaning closer to his face. "I see someone is still needy- shit!"

His words cutted off by your kick right between his legs. "You'll have my payback."

"C-can't wait, girlie." Childe managed to spoke with shaky voice, holding his abused crotch.

If you didn't know any better, you would have stepped on his crotch. You sighed, trying to kept your mind calm. His still got that annoying grin on his face, Archons, you wanted to punch him so bad.

You walked passed him and smile innocently to Zhongli. He wasn't exactly told you to do something like that, but Childe deserved it so Zhongli didn't mind seeing him suffering.

Zhongli hummed and patted your head. "Good girl." You both walked through the door, leaving Childe growling at the floor.

In all honesty, you were grateful for vomiting that night, thanks to your low alcohol tolerance. You may felt restless due the stimulant pill, nonetheless Childe had no mood to continue his depraved plans. Leaving you and your touch-starved hot body alone for the rest night, it's painful indeed so you're going to make sure that Childe felt the same thing he did to you.

 Leaving you and your touch-starved hot body alone for the rest night, it's painful indeed so you're going to make sure that Childe felt the same thing he did to you

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"Hmm, good girl."

Art credit to kuurimu

A/N: just to clear some confusion, i made zhongli retire much faster before traveler came into this world. and zhongli havent given up his gnosis yet. so basically when he raised y/n + retired it's a several years before traveler come. then, when traveler came to teyvat y/n is like 18-20 y.o (which the traveler already did, they’re in mondstadt now)

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