Chapter 33

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Under the radiant glow of Inazuma's stars, Scaramouche, now wielding the Electro Gnosis, surveyed the world with a newfound sense of authority. In the shadows, You, an observer with an unusual alliance, watched silently as the once mischievous harbinger stood on the cusp of power after you two managed to went out from the factory which filled with poisonous gas.

He looked kind of fine.

Shaking your head rapidly, you whispered to yourself, "Ew what was that? Bad Y/N."

"So, that's it. I never thought Yae Miko would handed the electro archon's gnosis so easily like that." You started.

"Also what did she called you? Kuniku-chan or something." With the hint of annoyance, you spoke, wanted to tease him.

"Don't disturb my peace, peasant."

"Ouch." Pressing one of your hand in your heart, acted like it hurts.

"On serious note, you got to be kinder to me unless you want me to see tripping over heels being called by you like that." You admitted. You mean, who wouldn't, right?

The harbinger didn't even try to properly answer you, only giving you a disgusted face.

"Anyway, about our deal. Since I wasn't much of a help, you won't probably giving those information you spoke the other day for free, right?" A pause. "And so I was thinking, maybe I could be your companion for a while?"

Bad idea, of course. Natheless, even if you wanted to just go back and live your life without any pressure, could you really do that? How? Where to? Where you should go when you doubt there was a place you could call as home. At least not anymore. You didn't even know what's true anymore. Perhaps accompanying the harbinger wouldn't be that bad, even if you could force him to speak any moment regarding Zhongli...

The balladeer didn't respond to you immediately, yet he letted out a content hum. He seemed quite pleased knowing that you will be a big help to him due to your strength, other than that, it was true that he wouldn't gave the information you wanted for free like this.

"Though you're just another annoying worm, I'm sure you'll make a good use." He stated.

No wonder he was a loner, just look at his awful attitude. 


Days turned into nights, and in the quiet moments, Scaramouche found himself drawn to your enigmatic presence. The unique anti-heroic demanour piqued his interest, not to mention sometimes your unconventional kindness towards him, thus creating an unspoken connection that defied the conventions of you and his role.

One evening, amidst the flickering lanterns of an Inazuman festival, Scaramouche and You found the two of you sharing an unexpected camaraderie. The air was filled with the scent of cherry blossoms as You leaned against a wooden railing, eyes fixed on the distant horizon.

Scaramouche, usually quick-witted and brash, hesitated for a moment before joining You. "What's the big idea, sticking around with me? Aren't you supposed to be off, doing hero things?"

You supposed he knew, he knew that you could force him to answer your questions. The information wasn't much for him, anyway. He could actually gave those for freely if you tried hard enough. But you didn't, so the sixth harbinger started to wonder.

You smirked, the shadows playing on your face. "Heroes have their own ways of doing things. I prefer a more direct approach."

Intrigued in his own thoughts, scaramouche didn't bother to answer you. What a weird annoying pathetic pea-brained moron.

For the past days, Scaramouche discovered layers to you that defied the simplistic definitions of hero and villain. Your actions spoke of a complex morality, a dance on the edge of right and wrong that intrigued him. Your influence worked its way into the corners of Scaramouche's thoughts. The mischievous Harbinger found himself contemplating actions that went beyond his usual schemes. Your presence, like an unpredictable storm, disrupted the carefully constructed chaos he reveled in.

Wind blew as lanterns cast a warm glow on the scene, Scaramouche admitted, "There's something about you, Y/N. It's infuriatingly annoying." intriguing.

"That's cliche." A joke managed to pass from your lips. "Just don't fall for me, eh?"

"What a narcisssistic bitch." He commented. For some reasons, the statement you uttered made his ears a bit redden.

Childe is lucky.

Unbeknownst to Scaramouche, the seeds of attachment were taking root. The festival days turned into shared adventures and stolen glances, a dance of opposites that neither could entirely resist.

Then, one night in the warm bedroom, Scaramouche found himself restless. He had grown accustomed to your presence, and the realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—his carefree alliance had transformed into something more profound.

In the quiet of his thoughts, he muttered to himself, "What in the world is happening? Am I really developing an attachment to... you?"

As the festival drew to a close, an unspoken tension lingered between you two. Little did you know that the threads of attachment would soon be tested, revealing the depth of Scaramouche's feelings and setting the stage for the impending betrayal.

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