Chapter 13

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"What's going on here?" A familiar baritone voice brought you back to your senses as you immediately pushed Childe aside.

In a swift, you fixed your dress while trying to find the right answer to Zhongli's inquiry. "We, uh--"

Zhongli crossed his arms on his chest, one of his eyebrow lifted up, judging Childe with his stoic expression.

You frowned at your sudden lost of words. No matter how hard you seek to came up with a good exempt from your brain, the only thing that popped up into your head was a terrible excuse. Fuck it, let's just escape. "I-I need to talk with you, Sensei."

Zhongli nodded without letting Childe off from his sight.

Taking the cue, you walked outside to the living room, leaving the both fine men in the kitchen. Zhongli gave Childe a cold glare as if he was telling Childe to behave properly.

In the end, Zhongli heaved a sigh. He resisted to lecture Childe since that rascal would not probably even bothered to conceive his words.

"The apron looks good on you." Zhongli said before leaving the kitchen and followed you to the living room.

"What was that?" Zhongli asked, looking to your anxious figures.

"Don't ask me, I'm confused as much as you do."

"I should have kicked that rascal before you came back." Again, he sighed, regretting his life decision.

"You don't have to do that far..."

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

You gave him a innocent smile. "Actually, I just wanted to leave the kitchen. But maybe you should tell me why Childe is here?" The last paragraph came with an interrogative tone out of your mouth.

"We're working on something important." Zhongli answered unassertively.

"Ah, it reminds me that I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm planning to make an make an appearance in the upcoming Rite of Descension."

A look of concern furrowed your brow, "What? How?"

"Isn't the qixing has stopped celebrating the Rite of Descension?" Not letting him to have the time to answer, you immediately asked another question.

"I have sent the news to Ningguang through dream."

"And? Did she agree..?"

"She wasn't pleased at first. But then she decided to help."

You placed your gaze at him with disbelief. "What if people doesn't like your sudden appearance and, I don't know, trying to hurt you or something?"

"Also, don't you remember what happened to Barbatos? Childe is a fatui, we can't just trust him so easily."

"And the Tsaritsa wants other gods' gnosis, which mean Childe is capable to suddenly stab you in the back and steal it anytime."

Zhongli returned your gaze and let out a small chuckle, as if he was mocking you, or maybe that's literally what he was trying to do. To mock you, conciously, though it was a bit uncharacteristically of him.

"Don't judge me like that," You said in annoyance.

"Stop, I insist."

He hummed to your response, slightly disappointed about the fact that tour stubbornness is certainly one of your mother's legacy. "Despite my warning, you still seem to be more and more attached to Tartaglia..."

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