Chapter 5

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It was at this moment you knew, you fucked up. In a few months knowing Childe, you've never seen him staring at you this fierce before. Yet he clearly was holding back his anger. Uh oh, now his expression some how made you wanted to ignite him even more. You wondered what will he do to you if you kept pushing his buttons?

The thought was tempting indeed, and as much as you wanted to do that you restrained yourself with an amused smile. On the contrary, the one who supposed to be mad right now was you. Why would he offer a friendship if he couldn't be trusted in any case?

He's a fatui, he's bound to Tsaritsa. You would never know if Tsaritsa asked him to kill you or worse Zhongli, right? And he most likely going to do what Tsaritsa's wished for. Just like what he have spoken.

In your eyes, he's no different than the others fatui. Harbinger or not, they're all a bunch of scum who are willing to lick Tsaritsa's foot. Although it seems he's genuine with his offers — you didn't want to have a double-edged sword near. Too risky. It's certainly making you anxious because you wouldn't know when and how he could betray you in the future. That's why you eagerly wanted to make sure he understood why you won't let him closer to you.

Sure your words were deeper than a knife, you'd also admitted it was a bit rude to said so, but you didn't regret that. You only gave him a glance before he decided to wore his clothes quietly and went back without any words.

To be honest you didn't really know how your relationship with Childe ended up like this. At your first encounter with him, the two of you casually joking together. You even thought that you and him may have a good relationship in forward because you're on the same frequency as him. Both of you got along well only by a few conversations.

In fact, Childe's also the one who started to called Zhongli by sensei first because Zhongli taught him how to use chopsticks. You then took part by referring Zhongli with sensei too, tired of calling him as 'sir' rather than 'dad' to prevented uncomfortable feeling.

Certainly Childe wasn't the best guy in town. However he has sense of humor, nice looks, and most importantly; mora (he's a bit sketchy though). Still he made it onto your crush list.

Only for you to knew that he is a harbinger. You had your suspections back then, when he came to Liyue Harbor he seems to be the kind of guy who have some sort of rich dangerous man vibes. But he never told you about fatui because he intended to kept lowkey until you followed him to the Northland Bank. Well, aside from the fact he is a fatui at least you knew why he was so rich.

After that you started to act towards him like what you did now. You mostly also hold a grudge against him because of the drink accident. If you didn't vomit that night, your virginity might have taken by him. Frankly, you didn't want him to be your first with the stimulants.

As much as you hate it, he was a good-kisser. His lips was intoxicating, sweet, and addicting. So this is how Venti feels about his favorite dandelion wine, huh?

You pinched your cheeks harshly. "Why would you think of making out with him when you literally just pissed him off."

You shook your head, not wanting any of the thought related to Childe. To distracted yourself, you determined to finished your letter for Albedo and went out to the post office afterward.

The journey from your house to the post office wasn't that long, it was quite rapid actually since you barely sweat. Probably because you're too well-trained for taking a short walk. Thanks to Zhongli who usually asked you to run for 50 laps before training.

When you arrived to the office, you gave a friendly smile to the workers there. Some of them known you well because you always bought them food when you still came here everyday in the past.

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