Chapter 31

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Once again, you found yourself lounging defenselessly. This time, it wasn't cold metal that pressed against your body, instead it was a soft mattress. When you slowly began unfolding your orbs you're greeted by a ginger-haired man, none other than your lover.

No burn marks was seen on your flesh. Only his hands that clinged to yours were, the man was sleeping you presume. He laid his head on top of your hand as he hold yours tightly.


It made you wonder and wonder, how could he try to deceive me once again?

A sigh escaped your lips, for a mere time, you catched on the balladeer's words "I will meet you in two days."

That's the last thing you could recall before you felt into a deep slumber. So be the story developed, you're now here. Retrieved to your partner's arms.

Didn't want to wake Childe up, you decided to slowly take your hands from him. You just couldn't let it slide any longer as you're getting pins and needles.

"Y/N?" Contrasting to your wish, his sleep was interuptted by your movement.

"Hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake-"

Much to your surprise, he pulled your smaller frame into a warm embrace. It didn't take you long enough to return the same gesture.

"You've been gone for merely a day but... You don't know how crazy I was when I couldn't find a single lead about your whereabouts." He started.

Even with the fact you couldn't see his face, you could tell what expression he's wearing.

"All that matter is I'm here now, and I'm fine."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I should've properly escort you home so your wagon wouldn't be ambushed so easily..." He broke the embrace.

Ambushed? One thing you certain was, Chad the coachman guided you to be kidnapped by himself. If it were an ambush, you'd have awoken and fight whoever dare to lure you anyway. Mayhaps, it was all the sixth harbinger's enterprise. Needn't you told Childe the truth, for it is much better to conceal.

The moment you laid your orbs to his, you saw his eyes misted over with tears. Something you definitely didn't anticipated for.

"Why are you crying?" You couldn't help but to wipe gently the drop of his clear salty liquid, caressing his cheek subsequently.

He leaned in to your touch, a fatigue gesture yet it declared how much obsequious he was for you. To witness the great harbinger himself so docile was a deeply succeed for yourself, somewhat pride; supposedly, howbeit you couldn't stand to watch him shed another tears.

"I'm scared of losing you."

How you wished what the other party told you was all a lie. The way Childe was showing a sweet affection, he conveyed his caring devotion, holding such sentiment toward yourself. Nevertheless, what you had discerned visually and auditorily from the crystall ball back then was definitely not some kind of falsehood.

So just why on earth would he tried to deceive you about such regards? Is it one of his contracts too?

"I'm right here, though." You replied.

"Yeah, I'm glad you managed to survive. Whoever the bastard that tried to hurt you, I'll kill them all." He committed.

The desolate act earlier was quick to be replaced by a ferocious sharp gaze. If stare could kill that is.

"There's no need to, I had done it." You said, soothing his anger. It was your first falsity to him.

"Well, I suppose that explain why you're here last night. Although the receptionist said you passed out the moment you stepped into the hotel lobby, it must be the cold." He claimed.

"A physician was also here this morning, he said you don't have any serious injury thankfully." You nodded at his statement while he had joined you to the bed.

"Childe," You called.

The man hummed as he brought your figure to his arms one more time. You didn't show any sign of refusal, and so he continued to snuggle you from behind. At first you're scared that you might reek of an undesired smell after what happened, turned out your attired has been changed this whole time into a comfortable one. The maids had probably play apart.

"I wanted to ask you about something." To make sure.

"You can ask anything you want." He answered, you could feel his hot breath against your neck.

"It's about my father."


"My biological father. Do you perhaps know anything about him?" Turning back your body, you faced him.

There's a silence enveloped between the two of you for seconds. Childe seemed to be tangled in a vacillation.

"I'm sorry but I don't have any clue." Yet his ocean dull eyes spoke the truth. He looked at you softly with sincerely beg of forgiveness. Or was it just another persuation to belief him by means of deception? You couldn't tell.

"Of course you don't." Why did you lie?

"Do you think there's a chance that Zhongli is still alive?"

"I... I don't think so, you witnessed his corpse back then with your own eyes." He uttered yet another lie.

"I must be so dumb for hoping he's still Alive, right?" With your voice trembling, you let a sarcastic smile decorated your face.

And I must look dumb in your eyes for believe you.

"It's natural for people to feel that way when someone lost something precious in their life."

"Yeah." You agreed as he softly ruffled your hair.

"You still need rest, or are you hungry?" He asked with a caring tone.

No words left your mouth, instead you went to press your lips with his. "Thank you for everything, Childe."

The eleventh harbinger was stunned regarding your infrequent way of comportment. He didn't pay a single mind though, he loved it if its you and only you.

Little did he know you've settled for your own conclusion. The determination, nonetheless, carried one to proceed in solitary. On one's own. Perchance it was the best resolution for the pair who's in love. Your existance alone ought to avenge not romance, for it is you and him weren't meant to be.

That's just how cruel world is.

omg guys i cant believe genshin is finally getting animated :o this is the best anniv gift from hoyoverse fr

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omg guys i cant believe genshin is finally getting animated :o this is the best anniv gift from hoyoverse fr. I havent play genshin for a while bc im rly busy tho T^T

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