Chapter 30

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Hi a lot of stuff happened to me lately and im barely alive rn, i almost died from a car accident too so i hope this explain the very late update🕴

The malaise and pain enveloping all over your body compelled you to slowly unfold your orbs. A familiar nausea dizziness hitted your senses as you felt your legs were numb. You're yet to derive comfort from the supposed soft mattress hotel bed, instead all you discerned was the cold surface of metal along with your hands and legs cuffed.

By degrees, your eyes scanned across the room whilst you shifted uncomfortably against the chair. The same fabric you praised last night was naught but an excruciating piece at the moment. It was roughly pleasant to stay in such attire all night, especially when it's accompanied by stilettos.

With intense mental application, your head fell back into the chair upon realizing what kind of scenario was right before you.

Great, you're kidnapped. You got nothing much to say, it was you who acted so careless, after all.

Dim light, solid quietude, gloomy atmosphere.

What a room.

Nonetheless, why would anyone interested to abduct you?

First and foremost, you barely knew other people besides Childe in this icy town. Second, if the person behind all of this scheme was a regular folk — staying in Snezhnaya wouldn't be the best option for him.

Oh, honestly, don't even think about staying. You'd make sure they wouldn't be able to come out from this space the moment they took a step in.

Last but not least, in the eyes of many, you're solely a mere soldier. A tool; used by the fatui to serve the deity and her loyal subjects. Well, perhaps, after the ball some may recognized you as Childe's new chick or sort. Other than that, there's nowt festive about you. Childe had made sure to keep your identity stick hidden.

A sigh escaped from your lips, whatever the reason was, you could ask your kidnapper vis-to-vis. You just need to utilize a bite of your power.

In prompt, lines began to mark all over your body drawn from one source, making its way down to your arms. The strokes soon enough glittered bright as pure white then the shade changed into an olive-brown almost vivid yellow. Before the geo resonance could reached your wrists, the streaks on your skin were quickly replaced by pyro conduct. Burning every linear mark shown accross your physique. As if it was meant to hinder your supreme ability.

The stria of fire left defects on your flesh, mostly your hands. Unlike any other part, your skin below the fetters of iron throbbed without mercy. Not that you truly care since your adepti healing would be the magic bullet one way or another. You just need to handle the agony for a while like you had always done.

For what it's worth, you've dominated this power for years. There's no way you failed in aspect of control. You had to make sure why you couldn't properly operate it.

Thus you sought curiosity, exchanging a few new burning marks after attempting to use your power again.

At your second strive, you focused the geo energy to your leg. For the third time, you tried to use Barbatos' blessing. A gust of wind could be perceived in the empty space, but it ended along with another ignited lines on your collarbone.

Each time you tried to use your power it blazed even closer to your heart, your frailty. Eventually, you're drawn to a close. Of course, the cuffs were the problem. You could tell from the very first attempt, you're not stupid. You're just desperate and denial for the fact you couldn't use your own power to break whatever this thing did to you.

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