Chapter 38

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The morning unfolded with the sweet chirping of birds. Today, the mansion was a bit empty without a certain harbinger, as Childe had mentioned that he needed to attend to some banking matters. The fact that he owned Liyue's largest bank didn't seem to trouble you much despite his busy schedule.

Seated next to Zhongli, who patiently awaited breakfast with his gaze fixed on the newspaper in his hands, you couldn't help but notice the well-presented and enticing aroma of an omelette before you.

"In the blessing of the Geo Archon, let's enjoy our meal," you playfully remarked before taking a bite, capturing Zhongli's attention as he raised an eyebrow.

The melodic clinking of fork and knife echoed twice as Zhongli gracefully joined in for the meal. He comprehended that your earlier mischief was intended to divert his attention from the newspaper, leading him to abandon it on the vacant part of the table.

Together, you both savored the tranquil breakfast, relishing the rare occasion of sharing a meal like this. The delightful spread was courtesy of Childe's personal chef.

"It's been a while since we've shared a meal like this," he began.

"Yeah, I miss those days." you replied, feeling a sense of gratitude that this opportunity had presented itself once again.

In recent days, you've found yourself overwhelmed with gratitude, almost to the point of discomfort.

Everything seemed too peaceful, with you and the two men you loved sharing happy moments in tranquility. At times, it felt unsettling, but you pushed those thoughts aside. Perhaps you were just a bit paranoid, especially after what transpired with Celestia.

After finishing your meal, you took a few sips of water and then moved your chair closer to his, resting your head on his shoulder since he had finished earlier.

The perpetual mystery of why guys eat so swiftly lingered in your mind. Despite starting at the same time, their pace always seemed remarkably brisk.

Glancing over, you tried to catch a glimpse of what had captured his attention in the newspaper. You noticed an image of a familiar face—Lumine's lost brother.  His appearance struck a chord as you recalled the past events, specifically in Inazuma.

Regret surfaced, realizing you hadn't had the chance to apologize for what occurred. A sense of guilt lingered, but you hoped Lumine, being a kind soul, harbored no ill feelings towards you.

You held onto the hope that Lumine and her brother could reunite soon, even though you felt you hadn't been of much assistance to her.

"I'm bored," you whined, hoping Zhongli would take you out for shopping or an adventure.

"Rest or engage in some other activity. Please, do not disturb me," he replied, not appreciating interruptions while reading, a common understanding since your childhood.

"Boomer." you remarked with a pout, earning a disapproving glare from Zhongli, who seemed unamused by the comment.

"Come now, let's go somewhere nice—" Your sentence was abruptly cut short by a resounding 'Boom!' as an explosive force shattered the front door of the mansion. In an instant, you realized Zhongli had activated his shield to protect both of you.

Smoke billowed from the aftermath of the explosion.

"What was that?" you asked, squinting to discern the approaching figures.

"No idea," Zhongli answered. "But I sensed them."

"Them? Who?" you inquired, growing flustered by his ambiguous response.

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