Chapter 40

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The passage of time unfolded in a predictable rhythm:

days seamlessly transformed into weeks,

weeks gracefully evolved into months,

and months gradually stretched into a year.

This unfolding reality mirrored your expectations, or perhaps more accurately, what you had earnestly hoped for.

As anticipated, the celestial forces were rendered powerless against your formidable defense mechanism. Each attempt to assail the ice fortress that encapsulated your crystallized body proved futile. The pile of ice acted as an impenetrable shield, reflecting their attacks and rendering you untouchable.

The amalgamation of geo energy and the power of your gnosis diligently channeled through the ice, safeguarding your dormant state from harm.

For an extended period, your crystallized form lay undisturbed in a secluded basement, accumulating a fine layer of dust.

Approximately a year later, the icy exterior began to fracture, exposing you once again to the world. You opened your eyes like a newborn, having benefited from a restful slumber.

Sensing a surge of power coursing through your revitalized body, you found yourself face to face with the woman who had spent the past year attempting to breach your impregnable defense.

The higher-ups and she appeared satisfied, their persistent frustration seemingly reaching a resolution. It became apparent that, at last, they might be inclined to accept your terms.

Despite the considerable advantages still tilted in their favor, there was a glimmer of hope that the culmination of your strategic defense had finally swayed them towards a mutual agreement.

Only this time, when you're face to face with them. They weren't chaining you like back then. You wonder why? Hadn't they trust too much of you?

"The sleeping beauty finally awakes," the Sustainer spoke, her unchanged demeanor revealing little passage of time.

It wasn't that long, perhaps, but the sarcasm in her voice implied the duration mattered less than the outcome.

"Well, as you can see, safe and sound," you retorted with a subtle layer of sarcasm, teasing her for her and her army's failure to harm you.

She didn't expect you to endure for so long. Her assumption that your defense would inevitably crumble proved to be a miscalculation. You emerged stronger than she had initially perceived.

"Let's just get to the point, shall we?" you inquired, stretching your body.

A year of slumber in a standing position necessitated some adjustments. You felt thankful that you hadn't forgotten how to walk, perhaps due to the continuous practice in your dreams, where you navigated through endless loops of solitude.

In response to your inquiry, she hummed.

"Do you agree to make a contract with me?" you asked.

"Yes, child," she responded calmly and composed.

Magically, a pen and paper 'poofed' into existence in front of you, retrieved from your magical backpack since the last year.

The terms were outlined in a manner similar to what you had spoken back then, already bearing your signature. Handing the pen and paper to the Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles, she promptly signed it.

"Now, let's proceed to the binding vow," she announced. You were taken aback, not expecting the Celestia realm to be open to such terms.

Earlier, concerns lingered about potential betrayal and exploitation for their advantage, leaving you wary of potential contract breaches. However, your worries eased when they proposed a binding vow. This vow, designed to enforce the agreement, held the consequence of mortality for any party attempting to break it. Regardless of status or power, the binding vow ensured a commitment that transcended personal interests.

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