Valentine (kinda suggestive)

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Ooo thank u for 100k ❣️ im working on the ayato×reader×thoma fic i promise💪 and this oneshot is not related to the main timeline. Im a bit distracted while writing this i will proofread it later😞

Through the framed transparent material, you orbs captured how clusters of ice crystals fell from above to the rimy land. The cloud droplets seemed to be forming a lumpy mass as you horrid at the thought of you barely covered in clothes.

Had it not for the fireplace which keeping you stayed abide, you would have been freezeing to death. That's for sure. (A/N: Can't handle the cold? Yowaimo)

The grey jacket you were using wasn't aiding much. But to search over any fabrics you wore last night was a headache for you. It was a mess, he performed rather ruffian (russian lol) that night. Most of your textiles was ripped, thanks to him.

Hence it was only fair for you to thieve his jacket after what happened to your lovely outfits, no?

"I don't think you've had enough rest from last night, comrade." You heard a raspy voice from behind.

Turning around, your pupils were quick to dilate at the sight of his bold action. A piece of clothing, precisely your - ahem rough night, eh? - panties, dangling around his forefinger.

"Are you kidding me." The thick wall of your pride felt crumbling apart in instant.

Ajax without effort dodged your visible gesture of stealing what's yours from his hand.

"Heh, so feisty." He commented.

"Give it back before I kick your ass, Tartaglia." A warn escaped your lips.

"Actually, it's not a bad idea." He retorted, hand gained a purchase on your hips.

The pair eyes of yours rolled in annoyance whilst he drew your body closer against his, leg settled betwixt both of his. Practically on top of him at the very moment, separated solely by a mere inches.

"Comrade, do you have a prefered type of chocolate?"

You frowned at this question. "No, nothing I can think of."

"Hm, so you don't like chocolate?"

"I rarely eat one since Zhongli never buys me those for the sake of my teeth."

"Poor thing." He threw your panties aside to the exquisite marble floor, pinching your cheeks afterward. "That's Zhongli for you."

"May phanties wat the fwak," You spoke, not very clear due his hands all over your cheeks.

"The maids will give a new one for you. Now, let's go out, shall we?"

"I've had enough." You remarked, feeling more than full. Yet the food just kept coming to your table.

"Awe, c'mon I ordered a special dango too for you. It's a popular snack amongst Inazumans."

"No, these sweets are killing me slowly." It was true; the amount of brunet, cocoa, and truffle you ate nearly made you throw up in front of him, again.

Ajax said he desired naught more than to treat your for valentine's day. What a cute boyfriend he is. Haha, no. It was his trivial façade to torment you one way or another. (A/N: one way or another im gonna find ya)

As much as thankful you were from how your extra rich rich lover spoiling you, this was too much. You couldn't handle the somewhat torture. Even the nut-browns' presence on the board looked a little excessively accurate to feces in the judgement of your eyes. Beyond doubt, it was the cue for you to stop.

"Hey, princess, you good?" He inquired in worried tone, you didn't even realized he had kneeled beside your seat and wiped the stains of chocolate from your lips.

"No, I think I'm going to throw up." You jested.

For a moment, he seemed horrified, however swiftly disguised his facial expression. Deja vu, perhaps.

Upon noticing his odd demeanor, you bursted into laughter. "Worry not, this time I can handle myself pretty well."

"Good for you... and me." The corner of his lips tugged upward.

"Hm... So, what are we going to do with the foods?" You glanced the untouched fare.

"Dunno, I might going to wrap it for my siblings..."

"You should."

"I'm going to talk with the empl--"

Ajax's voice was dismissed from the sudden pressure on his lips you gave to him - just briefly. Not including the pulchritudinous smile beamed on your profile. His gaze never left your frame, heart palpitating in eagerness. He was... love-struck; for its best to describe. Besotted, more or less infatuated when it's about you.


The love of his life.

And the smallest affection coming from you had him on cloud nine.

In order to gain his attention you coughed softly, the lack of response made you feel uneasy.

"Sorry, you were saying?" He shook his head.

"I haven't said a single thing, dearest." In a playful tone, you answered.

He grinned from ear to ear like an idiot. "What do you say about visiting my family today?"

"Huh, like right now?"

"Yes. This finger of yours look a bit empty, don't you think?" He asked again as he touched your fourth digit.

You were startled a bit by his precipitous change of manner, but rapid to get rid of it. "Not funny, Ajax."

"Just because I don't have a big diamond ring with me it doesn't mean I'm playing around." He reasoned.

"What are you trying to do..."

The man erased the distance between the two of you, sticking his temple like a glitter against yours.

"The thing I will eventually do, yet again, in the future. To propose you in a the most proper way and mature devising." He lift his forehead, then gently caressed your cheek.

"Remember, comrade. One day I'll make you mine as whole." A pause.

"And when that day come, I shall not receive any refusal coming out from your pretty lips, yeah?" His thumb stopped on your lower lip.


 Happy valentines day anw <3

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