Chapter 39

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As your eyes opened, you found yourself in the ethereal realm known as Celestia. The creatures that had transported you here had resorted to making you faint, concealing the secret passage to this celestial domain. The atmosphere was unlike anything you had ever seen—an undeniable spectacle.

The entire realm was cloaked in clouds, creating an otherworldly atmosphere reminiscent of being suspended in the sky.

Towering structures reach towards the heavens, resonating with a celestial energy that transcends mortal comprehension. The celestial cityscape exudes a serene majesty, invoking a profound sense of awe in those who gaze upon it.

However, the beauty of Celestia belies the challenges within. The realm was not merely a picturesque landscape but a domain of trials and tribulations.

You found yourself within its celestial confines, your hands bound by chains anchored to the floor of the celestial court, you were thrust into a trial that would unravel before the divine authorities.

Before you stood the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, a lady presiding over the celestial court. She radiated an aura of otherworldly authority, her presence commanding the attention of all who found themselves within her celestial gaze. As the embodiment of the heavenly principles, she held the power to judge and dictate the fate of those who ventured into Celestia's domain.

The Sustainer's throne was a testament to celestial opulence, adorned with symbols representing the sacred balance maintained within the heavenly realm.

The court, an expanse of celestial grace, echoed with the subtle whispers of cosmic forces. The trial you now faced unfolded in the divine light of Celestia, where mortal matters were scrutinized against the backdrop of celestial justice.

Your sight was caught at the people who seated beside her, the left and right sides were occupied by individuals who appeared to be higher-ups or the Sustainer's subordinates. They were adorned in matching white uniforms.

"Y/N, you embody a harmonious chaos—a child born of a goddess and a human, hailing specifically from Khaenri'ah. According to our regulations, your existence should have ceased long ago. Nevertheless, the astute Goddess of Dust, known for her cunning, seemingly succeeded in concealing you alongside the Geo Archon." A pause.

Now, could you provide me with a single reason why I shouldn't contemplate your termination at this very moment?" Her words, delivered with a calm yet unwavering tone, conveyed a sense of both authority and consideration.

"My Gnosis, that's what you desire, isn't it? I've sensed your curiosity about me, as well as the collective curiosity about whether my Gnosis truly adapts to all elements existing in Teyvat or not. Well, here's the answer," you declared, showcasing the two elements you currently possessed in ease—wind and geo—each granted by the blessings of their respective Archons.

Following that, you demonstrated the abilities derived from the dust element, an attribute inherited from your mother.

"As you can see, I indeed bear three elements with a single Gnosis," you confidently affirmed.

The higher-ups appeared both shocked and intrigued by your extraordinary capabilities as they're making noises, whispering at each other.

"And if the other Archons were to bestow their blessings upon me, then I would bear seven elements. Or perhaps even eight, should Celestia wish to grace me with Light," you continued with a smile.

They appeared shocked, yet you sensed that it wasn't disdain for your boldness. In fact, these individuals likely found the concept intriguing.

For millennia, the Light element had been exclusive to Celestia's lineage, reserved for Celestia creatures like the guardians—the otherworldly beings, similar to those who transported you here earlier—or individuals born with divine blood.

The idea that someone of mixed blood, a mere human, could potentially wield this element, bringing the total to eight elements, disrupted the established balance in the world. It implied a shift in power, making you the strongest force.

This prospect clearly unsettled them, evoking anxiety and fear. History had taught them that rebellions, like the one involving the independent and defiant Khaneri'ahn people who refused to worship the gods, could arise. The higher-ups, therefore, viewed obtaining your Gnosis as essential.

It was deemed necessary to maintain balance, control the under realm, and prevent rebellions. In their eyes, it was crucial to ensure the weak remained in their designated places.

"Let's form a contract, and I shall provide what you seek," you proposed, cringing at the unintended resemblance to an authoritative figure.

Truthfully, you weren't fond of this situation. You didn't want to readily surrender your Gnosis.

However, faced with the reality that victory over them was nearly impossible, and trusting that they wouldn't risk jeopardizing the balance they sought to maintain, you acknowledged the inevitability of making this contract.

While it meant relinquishing a part of yourself, you knew that your gnosis would serve only as a preventive measure against human rebellions, also contribute to their collective strength. Despite the limited options, making this contract became a necessary step for your journey back home.

The Sustainer chuckled. "As expected from Morax's pupil."

"Do enlighten me," she granted you permission to state your terms.

"I'll willingly surrender my Gnosis. In return, I request to be revived as a mere human and be allowed to depart. Never to be bothered, nor my cherished ones," you asserted.

"I'm not asking for much, am I? I'm lowering myself to a simple human existence, devoid of my Gnosis, my divine blood, or Khaneriah'n heritage. Just a common citizen," you pleaded, desperately hoping for their compliance.

"But what makes you think we will comply with entering a contract with you? I could take your Gnosis now and leave you to perish," she countered. Her words struck a nerve, echoing the fear that had haunted you.

"You can't, because I won't allow you to," you confidently asserted, your plan unfolding. Thanks to your delusion, you possessed the element of ice—a perfect component for your devised strategy.

"I can crystallize my body, and if I truly do that, you won't have a chance to take my Gnosis by then," you began to explain your plan.

She burst into laughter. "You're so funny. You think we couldn't possibly touch you just because you turned into ice?" she scoffed.

"Well, we'll see," you confidently retorted, preparing yourself to crystallize your entire body.

Activating your delusion and Geo element, you embarked on a skill you had learned from Zhongli, using Geo to cover yourself with rocks as a defensive measure.

Combining it with your ice element, you hoped it would create a potent shield. Admittedly, you had never attempted this before, but the idea of freezing yourself in crystalized ice seemed like an effective Captain America move—albeit with uncertainties about how to break or undo the process.

You had given your all, pushing your abilities to their limits. Hoping that the shield created by the fusion of your elements could protect you for months, maybe even a year.

You envisioned a scenario where they would eventually give up trying to breach your ice fortress. And when the time came for you to break free—uncertain as to when that would be, given your lack of control over the process—they would finally accept the contract, their frustration mirroring your own.

"Don't come crying if you can't land a single touch on me," you added cockily, breaking the chains by forming a sharp rock to cut them off.

Ready for the crystallization process, you created the ice crystal, combining it with geo powers to wrap all around your body, and fell into a deep slumber, prepared to test the effectiveness of your improvised defense.

A/N: annie's kinnie fr💀

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