Chapter 29

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help guys i wanna make ayato x reader x thoma fic so badly 😔

Warn: slight nsfw, violence like real bad, yandere stuff 💀

Warn: slight nsfw, violence like real bad, yandere stuff 💀

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art by erdff720

The rest of the waltz was done in tranquility, words replaced with steps, steps following its pace, eyes never truly withdrew from each other's gazes. The harmonious instrumental had finally came to an end, and so did you both. Heads were bent down to give each other a closing.

The harbinger seemingly in haste, wasted no time to grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the crowds. He took you to the terrace, where nobody was seen there. Presumably owing to the harsh weather. He let go his hand from you and closed the door behind him.

Setting down each foot in turn, you went closer to the railing. You admired how the big silver disc shone in its entire glory in the dim sky. In regard to secure yourself from the cruel breath of wind, your hands rubbed your arms, seeking warmth.

Ideally, if you spent two or three hours here with this kind of clothing you'd probably get hypothermia, although you couldn't help but to perceive serenity in the hours of darkness. Under the moonlight, you witnessed a white blanket of snow covering the trees, ground, and houses. The smell of damp pine trees greeted your sense.

A heavy coat was placed on your shoulders from behind as Childe was now beside you.

"You still haven't answered me." You stated.

"There's some things I can't tell."

"Why?" You turned your head to him.

"... You won't understand." He replied, sighing.

"Make me understand."

"Y/N, it's complicated."

This time, a sigh escaped from your lips. He was treading the thin line of your patience. You felt you're going to burst out in a trice, you itched to shout at this guy, the way you might actually grasped his hair out of frustration by this rate. The urges only arose because you were, in all likelihood, tipsy, or so you thought. Nonetheless, it was your last straw.

"You left for your job, I get it. I've never bothered you for that, not in the past, not now, not in the future. Then you made me waiting like an idiot, no excuses, no sincere apologies. Just you poof appeared magically in front of me, acting all moody as if you're having a period."

"Now I found out you're hiding something, I understand your privacy and stuff. But I'm just trying to help, yet you kept saying I don't understand."

"You know what, yeah, maybe I don't understand." A pause. "I don't understand a single damn thing about you! What the fuck do you want?"

Any further and you're certain you're solely going to humiliate yourself, it was indeed the drunk talk.

"I didn't mean to make you--"

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