Chapter 34

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i miss playing genshin but college is killing me.

In a dimly lit chamber, you faced Scaramouche, the air thick with tension. The echo of both footsteps reverberated as the two circled each other, both aware of the betrayal that lingered in the shadows.

Scaramouche's smirk hinted at a hidden agenda as he taunted, "Y/N, you could've had it all. Power, influence, everything you ever desired. But you chose to stand against me."

Your gaze remained unyielding, a mix of defiance and disappointment. "I don't need power obtained through betrayal, Scaramouche. You were someone I thought I could trust."

His laugh cut through the silence, betraying the facade of camaraderie. "Trust? In our world, trust is a fleeting luxury, princess. You could've been by my side, but you chose to be the stubborn hero."

As Scaramouche unleashed a surge of Electro energy, your eyes narrowed. "I told you I'm no hero, seriously fuck you."

The clash resonated with sparks of conflicting elements, a dance of power and betrayal. Scaramouche's moves were fueled by envy, fueled by the realization that you belonged to another, a rival he couldn't surpass. Thus why he sought to have your power, perhaps by eliminating you he would gain peace. By that, he shan't bearing this useless idiotic attachment developed anymore, or so he thought.

Addition to his own agenda, he originally planned to take your powers.

"You never understood, Y/N," he sneered. "If only you last as my companion. You could've been more than a pawn in this game."

You battered but unbroken, retorted, "Pawn your ass! I stand on my own terms, I'm not anyone's pawn."

The battle reached its climax, and Scaramouche hesitated for a brief moment, a flicker of conflicted emotions crossing his face. Yet, determination replaced it as he lunged for a final strike.

In that moment, you resilience prevailed. With a swift counter, you disarmed him and stood over him, victorious but burdened by the weight of a fractured friendship.

Scaramouche, defeated and betrayed by his own ambitions, looked up at you with a mixture of regret and resentment. "Tell me the information we agreed on." you demanded.

Scaramouche, collecting himself, a mix of frustration and regret etched on his face, responded, "Fine, I'll tell you the information you want."

As the harbinger revealed the location of Zhongli and the truth of your origins, the foundation of you and Scaramouche's twisted alliance crumbled. Even in midst of betrayal, You stood strong, trying to hold all of your tangled emotions.

The weight of revelations hung heavy in the air, it was not long tears escaped your eyes, although you tried to hold it. The harbinger who caught off guard by the rawness of the moment, hesitated for a split second. A rare vulnerability flickered across his usually stoic face.

In an uncharacteristic move, he swiftly lifted a hand, his fingers brushing away the tears that traced the contours of your cheeks. The touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the usual roughness associated with Scaramouche.

"Quit your sobbing," he grumbled, the harshness in his tone undercut by the unexpected tenderness in his touch. His fingers lingered for a moment longer than necessary, as if attempting to erase not just the tears but also the pain that lingered beneath. Although his movement surprised you, you didn't do anything about it.

"Said the one who tried to kill me for my power earlier." you retorted, why does he acted like he care all of sudden? Why the change of heart?

At utmost speed, he withdrew his hand, a defensive mask returning to his features. "Get yourself together. I'd kill you if it weren't for your sudden drama," he declared, a feeble attempt to revert to the familiar harshness.

"Of course you would, O'Mighty Harbinger." You answered jokingly, you weren't afraid of him as if you knew him damn well that he wouldn't hurt you. At least not in this stage. He's quite soft with you, unlike with the others. It's weird how such harbinger like him somewhat attached to you...

"Ungrateful peasant. I'd someday beat your ass properly to death."

"Is that a treat?" You asked playfully, this time your tears had stopped.

Quietness fulfilled the room, the unspoken understanding between you two deepened, a connection forged in the crucible of shared hardships.

Yet, in that fleeting moment, he chose not to look at your orbs.

It was the last time you two ever met.

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