Chapter 35

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Amidst the ancient ruins of Liyue, where the echoes of history whispered through stone corridors, You, fueled by a newfound understanding, pursued the trail that led to Zhongli. The moonlight painted a path before you, each step echoing with the weight of revelations.

As you arrived in front of a cabin, there, beneath the flickering light, stood Zhongli, the Geo Archon, his figure stoic and unmoving. The sight was both surreal and grounding, a convergence of the myths and truths that had shaped your journey.

Caught off guard by your sudden presence, Zhongli walked towards you, his expression a mix of surprise and resignation. The lines of age on his face seemed to deepen as he met your gaze, a gaze now informed by the truths unveiled in the wake of Scaramouche's revelations.

"Y/N," he began while stopping his track, his voice carrying the weight of years and the echoes of a hidden pact, "I did not expect you here."

Your eyes narrowed, the emotion beneath the surface a tempest waiting to be unleashed. "You made me believe you were gone, Zhongli. Why?"

Zhongli, the master of measured words, sighed, the admission heavy in the air. "I had to protect you, my dear. In the complex dance of fate, sacrifices must be made."

Your frustration boiled over, the torrent of emotions breaking through the dam of composure. "Protect me? By lying? By making me believe you were dead?"

The tension hung thick in the air, a clash of conflicting emotions and unspoken truths. Zhongli, with a heavy heart, approached you, his gaze a reflection of remorse and paternal concern.

"Y/N, there are forces at play beyond our understanding. I chose a path that I believed would shield you from the storms that gather in the shadows," Zhongli explained, his words a feeble attempt to justify the painful deceit.

You, grappling with a surge of conflicting emotions, snapped, "I needed you, Zhongli. Not a fabricated farewell."

In that moment, Zhongli, set aside the weight of divinity, and before you stood Liyue's ancient protector, a father caught in the tumult of his choices. He opened his arms, a gesture of vulnerability unlike his composed self.

Without a word you who fueled in tangled emotions stepped into Zhongli's embrace.

The silence spoke volumes as Zhongli tightened his grip, a subtle acknowledgment of the fractures that needed mending. The moon bore witness to this intimate scene—a fractured family finding solace in the simplicity of a hug.

There was an unspoken understanding that lingered, a silent bridge waiting to be crossed.

Breaking the silence, you pulled away slightly, meeting Zhongli's gaze with teary eyes. "Don't do something like that again," you commanded, your tone a blend of sternness and vulnerability, the echoes of your hurt still resonating in the air.

Zhongli, his usual stoicism momentarily replaced by a genuine sincerity, nodded solemnly. "I won't." A pledge that danced on the delicate line between redemption and trust. You couldn't ignore the complexity of the situation, but in that moment, the sincerity in Zhongli's eyes was enough to ease the ache in your heart.

Zhongli continued, "I've learned the cost of my actions, and I understand the pain I've caused. It was never my intention to hurt you."

You remained guarded, a myriad of emotions swirling within. The shadows of betrayal, now cast aside, made way for a glimmer of hope—a hope that Zhongli, the guardian you once trusted, could find redemption.

Sensing your unspoken doubts, Zhongli added, "I am committed to making amends, not with grand gestures, but with the sincerity of my actions. I wish to rebuild the trust we once shared."

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