Chapter 24

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i was trying to get this updated on friday but yeah :) btw it’s finally 70k im tried of the ambiguous 69k. thank u sm for reading whatever this is! i hope i can improve for better writing along the way❤

disclamer: skirk's personality & appearance is based on headcanon

Each step you took produced a specific crunch beneath your feet as you walk through the icy snow. You could feel the winter's cold embrace with your cheeks. Fortunately for you, you've gotten yourself a decent warm clothes, a typical set of layer clothing that indicated a signature in Snezhnaya.

On the other side, the man beside you wore the same variations of clothing he usually utilized, however he suited himself in a black color this time. A perfect pair with his long black coat.

"Are we still far away from the destination?" You asked, every words you spoke emitted gas.

The terms of hiking an arctic snowy mountain wasn't really going well with you this morning. Most of the reason probably suggested from you hadn't have this kind of durability training in a while. After all, you tend to rest in order to recover from what happened back then at Liyue for the past few days.

"Not quite, just a little more." Childe answered you softly.

To be fair, you didn't understand why would there be a sane person who wanted to live in the middle of wilderness when it was bitterly cold out here. Perchance, they're accustomed to the coldness of this blizzard eternity.

Even so, frankly speaking, you swore whoever this master Childe have been talking about was no person in her right mind.

Paying a bit too much attention towards you, the harbinger managed to catch your short breath, and the way you're panting from walking this much. Both of you had a ride with a carriage until it stopped at the foot of the mountain. Long story short, you and him got off from the comfortable horse-drawn carriage and walked up the large frosty steep hill without voluntary.

"I can give you a piggyback if you want to." He offered with a slight tease in his tone.

You glanced up sharply, brows furrowed. "No."

Childe let out a small chuckle, walking in front of you with a faster velocity than before.

"Look, there's a hut." He pointed out the wooden hut in amidst of forest by his index finger.

"And a training ground." He continued, smirking when he found a spot that ultimately became his favorite in swift.

Following his gaze, it's true the wooden modest hut was confronting a battle ground just right in front of it. There was a shelf that stores various kinds of weapons, mostly dominated by swords. Reminded you of your own home. Not to mention, there was a place for archery practice, the target was set in the mass of ice, it wasn't luxurious. However to have such training field in the middle of nowhere was an exclusive thing.

"Right, a training ground... in the middle of icy forest." You commented, it still seemed a bit odd for you to witness this.

The man snickered at your statement. "Master truly is extraordinary." He added whilst unconsciously reaching out his hand in front of you; wanting no more than to hold your hands and brought you to walk in coincide.

No rejection or abandonment, you wasted no time to welcome his hand with yours. With that, the two of you walked in front of the hut and knocked the door.

After standing in silent for a while, the door creaked open revealing a pulchritudinous middle-aged lady with long grey pixie cut and a visible scar on her right cheek. She immediately showed a grin when she saw her old pupil.

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