Chapter 8

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A few hours after Childe kept getting on your nerve about the blush incident, he then asked you a favor to babysit Teucer. It's actually more like forcing you to babysit Teucer rather than asking you nicely.

"As much as I'd love to be with you, Teucer, duty calls! I'm sure Ms. Nice Lady here will be happy to keep you accompany while I'm out, though."

You sent Childe a cold stare, asking for an explanation through your facial expression since you never said yes to any of his words.

"Alright Teucer, please be good with Ms. Nice Lady, I'm going to work now."

He waved and said goodbye to his little brother. Without wasting time he grabbed your hand, taking you away from Teucer who was probably pouting right now. Intentionally, he put his hands on your waist. You, on the other hand, immediately smacked his.

"Before you say anything, the answer is no, Childe. I already babysitted him yesterday, and I didn't even get paid for it." You stated your sentence firmly.

"Oh come on, girlie." He acted like a cute puppy. "Just for a while, please? I have things to do with Zhongli-sensei."

"Ew, stop pouting like that, Teucer is way cuter than you." You shrugged in disgust.

Childe trying to be cute? Big no. Though deep in your heart, the two brothers did have the same amount of cuteness and they could steal your heart easily by their puppy eyes. Still, you would never admit it, wouldn't you? Especially when it comes to the harbinger.

"Heh, I will take that as a yes."

You rolled your eyes. "Such a pity that Teucer has an irresponsible brother."

"You see, girlie, I'm not the only brother he has. So you might actually offend someone else."

"Right. Now how about you go away do whatever business you have with Sensei?" It didn't fit as a question as you used a demanding tone.

"Also aren't you supposed to be busy with your job as a harbinger?" Another inquiry slipped out of your mouth.

"Yes, yes. I will get going. Don't miss me, girlie~"

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here, take this as Teucer's entertainment fund. I want him to have a good time while he's in Liyue, so take him anywhere he wants." He gave you a pouch which contain a lot of money.

You nodded and received the pouch.

"Where's Sensei?" You managed to asked him one more time before he truly left.

Childe answered you whilst closing the door. "He's already in the carriage."

A hundred years have passed, and Zhongli seems still to be trapped by his own memories, or to be exact nightmares. It wasn't a new thing for you, you understand him well about it. However you wished Zhongli could finally move on soon.

"Uhh... Ms. Nice lady? You okay?" Suddenly, Teucer was right in front of you.

You snapped out of your thought. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"What are we going to do now?"

"Hm... Let's see, how about we go to the Wanmin restaurant first to have lunch. After that let's go to the toyseller in Liyue. What do you think?"

"Sure!" He agreed and jumped out of exitement.

"Then, let's get ready."


Substantively, taking care of kids wasn't that hard for you as you have an experience of taking care Klee back then when you visited Mondstadt. The kids always have a similar personality in running away anywhere they like, that's why you now holding hands with Teucer.

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