Chapter 3

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"Y/N, sit." Was the first thing Zhongli said today.

"Yeah?" You answered nonchantly, not even bothering to take a seat like he asked to. You're currently busy searching for your favorite drinks.

Zhongli sighed, these days kids were hard to disciplined. Always acting recalcitrant, never listened to their parents' words. Not once in Zhongli's life time he ever thought of suffering the consequences for being a parent. It is troublesome and burden for most of the time, still Zhongli found your presence here is warm. Perhaps he was a bit lonely for too long after Guizhong left him.

"Looking for this?" Zhongli asked while showing a glass full of your favorite drinks.

"Ah, yes! Thank you, Why is it there?" You were about to took the glass from Zhongli if it weren't because of his deathly glares.

"Sit first." He demanded.

You pouted because you couldn't get your drink immediately, however you did what he want you to.

"Can I have my drinks now?"

Zhongli nodded in agreement, he put the glass in front of you. "Now, tell me. Why did I find Childe tied up in a silver whip that I got for your birthday present in the training ground this morning?"

You bursted into laughter at his question, "Wait what, this morning?"

"Yes, he's laying on the ground. Trying to sleep. Is there something humorous? Why are you laughing so loud?"

"No it's just the fact that he's laying there all night."

"Y/N, that's ill-mannered of you to do so."

"Well, I didn't expect him to be there all night. I mean he should have at least one subordinate who can help him, right?" You let out a nervous chuckle despite how amused you were inside.

"Despite how amused you are joking around with him, he's still a fatui harbinger. It's best for you to not be attached too much."

"Wow, did you just read my mind?" You asked out of curiosity. Rex Lapis really did know everything, huh?

Zhongli stared at you emotionless. "By now, it won't be astonishing if you admitted that you actually grew fond of him."

"Fond of him? He's one of the fatui harbinger."

There was an exact tension when you bolded your statement about how much you despise the organization called fatui. Just because you looked 'amused' with that one ginger-head harbinger it doesn't mean you developed an interest to him. It may looked like a denial, but it is your true feeling.

Zhongli sipped his best-loved tea calmly, ignoring your annoyance towards him.

"Feelings can change. No one, even I, Rex Lapis would ever know what will happens-"

"Alright, that's enough. I don't want to hear shits about love and blah blah."

"Language, kid."

"Anyway, don't you have something to tell me?"

"Do I?"

"Don't act all innocent! You've been hiding your plans again from me. What's business you made with the fatui huh?!" From the moment you're under his protection and guide, Zhongli consistently, all the time, without failed keeping secrets from you. Of course it was annoying.

It wouldn't hurt to told you regarding his life related plans. You couldn't help felt inconsequential when he stayed away from you everytime you tried to stick your nose at his matters.

"I thought Childe came here as an diplomats to work on something at the Northland Bank. But it seems you have something up your sleeve."

"The most important thing is, why would you asked him to come here at midnight?! You must have been hiding your meetings with him from me." You asked, and within the next seconds you answered by yourself.

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