Chapter 36

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Childe's abrupt arrival stirred the air within Zhongli's cabin. Tension hung thick as unspoken emotions lingered, a delicate intrigued between the past and the present.

Though Zhongli harboring a touch of disappointment, he nevertheless found a well of understanding within himself. After all, the contract he forged with Childe was meant to shield you, no matter the consequences. Face-to-face, a mix of concern and frustration etched across Childe's features, Zhongli met him with a gaze that conveyed both acceptance and weariness.

"I expected better from you, Childe," Zhongli sighed, his disappointment veiled beneath a facade of calm. Yet, beneath the surface, an undercurrent of resignation hinted at the sacrifices made for the greater good.

Aware of the weight of his own actions, Childe met Zhongli's gaze with a conflicted expression. "I've made mistakes, but I'll rectify them. We need a new plan."

And so, a new contract was forged between them, the terms carefully considered to navigate the intricate dance with Celestia. Zhongli, ever the strategist, weighed the consequences and formulated a pact designed to protect Y/N, even as the looming celestial threat cast its shadow upon their lives.

On the other hand, you awoke to the warmth of Zhongli's shirt embracing your frame, the only attire that adorned you as you ventured into the living room where Childe and Zhongli engaged in hushed conversation.

Upon catching sight of you, Childe's eyes lit up with a mixture of relief and yearning. Without hesitation, he enveloped you in a tight embrace, as if afraid you might slip away again. Zhongli, sensing the intensity of the two, decided to give you two space. With a simple acknowledgment, he stepped outside, embarking on a solitary stroll to clear his mind and allow the healing to begin.

When the door closed behind Zhongli, the room became a haven for reconciliation. Childe who was unable to contain his emotions, pulled you closer, his arms a secure refuge. With an air of sincerity, he pressed a fervent kiss upon your lips, a silent plea for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm really sorry," Childe uttered, his teary eyes meeting yours.

Moments later, he gently placed you on the sofa and, with an unexpected but heartfelt gesture, kneeled before you. Taking your right leg in his hands, he peppered it with kisses, a display of remorse reminiscent of a loyal dog seeking forgiveness from its owner.

"I'm sorry..." He said, again and again, like a broken recorder.

The sincerity in Childe's actions and the vulnerability in his gaze spoke volumes. You moved by the raw emotion, reached out to lift Childe from his kneeling position.

"I know, so stop it," you answered, a hint of firmness in your voice.

Childe, ever the obedient one, settled beside you, his gaze fixed on you as you began to speak.

"I'm sorry too for suddenly going missing," you started, the weight of your absence clearly affecting him.

"Y/N, I-I almost went crazy because of that. Don't leave me again. You can use me all you want. Just don't ever dump me, especially for another man," he confessed, his vulnerability laid bare.

Childe, aware that you had been with Scaramouche, displayed a possessiveness that bordered on desperation. Yet, despite his admission, you could sense a glint of relief in his eyes when you mentioned leaving Scaramouche alone.

"He knew about you and Zhongli's contract, and he also told me about Zhongli's whereabouts, that's why," you explained, choosing to share only what was necessary. Excluding the part when Scaramouche betrayed you and tried to kill you, that is.

The eleventh harbinger's tired eyes mirrored the weariness in your own heart. You couldn't help but empathize with the pain you saw, realizing it echoed the ache you felt when Zhongli left.

"Come here," you said, opening your arms for a comforting embrace. In that shared moment, the two of you confronted the complexities of both connections, each harboring own scars and vulnerabilities.

Zhongli who was having ventured not too far from the cabin, sensed a disturbance in the tranquility surrounding. His perceptive gaze narrowed as he observed a Celestia warrior approaching the door, ominous tidings etched on the soldier's countenance.

When you opened the door, the warrior, devoid of pleasantries, immediately declared, "I've come to pick the goddess of dust's descendant to the realm of Celestia."

"You wish," Childe who was right behind you retorted, defiance coloring his words.

With a subtle gesture, Zhongli summoned the power of Geo, creating a protective barrier that enveloped the three. The barrier, a manifestation of Zhongli's unwavering resolve, shielded you three from the encroaching influence of Celestia.

The ensuing altercation unfolded as the cabin became a battleground, the clash Hydro echoing within the confines. Though Childe alone was victorious, the cabin bore the scars of the encounter, and as the dust settled, you three pondered the mysterious appearance of the celestial messenger.

With a sudden, mystical glow, words manifested in golden light before them, revealing Celestia's grim proclamation.

The ethereal message resonated in the room, the words hung in the air, casting an undeniable shadow over the three of you.

'Chosen one, your mother has faced punishment for betraying Celestia by forging a connection with a Khaneri'ahn.
You are the result of their union.
Therefore, you must be present to undergo a trial to determine whether you are guilty or not.'

The weight of those words settled upon you, an unforeseen consequence of her lineage. The celestial dictate, written in divine script, left an indelible mark. A sense of impending doom loomed, overshadowing the fragile peace both of the man had fought so hard to secure.

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