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This fanfiction contains spoiler if you haven't done archon quests + ahem, suggestive

Childe is a piece of trash.

No matter how physically attractive, alluring, or charming he may appear, in your perspective, he remained as a loser.

But really, what could one expect from someone with a penchant for violence, perpetually eager for a fight every day of their life? The moment you laid eyes on him, you could sense the unmistakable aura of arrogance emanating from him. Safe to say, he got that 'I'm a jerk' energy.

It was written all over his face.

Yet, begrudgingly, you had to acknowledge that those lifeless eyes possessed a certain beauty at times. It was a peculiar dullness, yet not entirely so. Hard to put into words.

Albeit, even with the strong disdain you harbor for the Fatui, and him in particular, you find yourself strangely drawn to his allure. You adopt an air of aloofness, playing the part of a brat, and maintaining a cold exterior. Initially, it felt amusing to engage in this little game, a contest to see whether you or he would be the first to relent, admitting defeat. The mere thought of breaking him down brought you a twisted sense of amusement.

At least, until this day, when that infuriating fool was on the verge of defeat, and he decided to resort to a dirty trick.

Suddenly, Childe gripped your cheek with his hand, squeezing it harshly.

"Say, girlie, are you going to slap me again for being this close to you or what?"

"Ugh... I swear to the archons, it's the alcohol--"

"Hmm, really?" His annoying grin loomed in front of you. Usually, you would cast him aside.

"Are you not going to admit it?"

"Admit what--"

"Y/N, you're staring at me with those eyes." He smirked in triumph. Clearly, he was relishing this.

"Huh? I don't follow," you replied, shifting uncomfortably in your chair, your body feeling unusually warm.

Squeezing your thighs, you experienced a longing for the sensation of his touch.

"You're staring at me like you want to kiss me."

"I-I told you, it's the alcohol-- mmph.."

Childe without hesitant kissed you, unable to wait any longer, seeing you completely vulnerable against him. Finally, he could have you, or so he thought.

He parted his lips from yours, allowing a moment for you to catch your breath; a strand of saliva lingered, connecting the two of you. Under ordinary circumstances, you would find it distasteful, particularly after exchanging saliva with a Fatui harbinger.


"I hate it when you talk, but damn, your lips are delicious." With that remark, a heightened sense of desire in your core became apparent.

"Hmm... shut up, Childe. Kiss me more..." You insisted, deepening the kiss by pulling his neck.

Carrying you in a bridal-style embrace, he ascended the stairs to his room when an unexpected surge of nausea washed over you.

"Childe, I love--" Childe's gaze connected with yours. It seemed he had struck gold tonight with your sudden confession.

"--myself." You flashed a grin.

Did he truly believe you would succumb to him so easily?

Despite the underhanded trick he had up his sleeve, using some sort of pills, the answer is no. To think he's that desperate, wanting to feel you that much.

Unable to suppress the wave of nausea any longer, "Hurk.. Blurgh..." You vomited on his red shirt that seemed to be his favorite.

Serves you right, asshole.

Serves you right, asshole

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"Her lips are soft "

Art credits to erdff720
+ All characters besides y/n are belongs to mihoyo

A/N: sry for my bad english :( this is my first story that i wrote for genshin in english (i'll try my best to improve). Hope yall like it <3 I SWEAR IT GETS BEARABLE ON THE NEWEST CHAPTER, also prologue just recently got revised!

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