Chapter 27

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GUYS I HAVE A THEORY, if yall haven't done enkanomiya main quest feel free to skip this before u get spoiled :D oh n im sry if there's any typo/error

What if skirk is actually one of abyss lectors that disguised herself into a human being. According to genshin wiki, Childe's melee atk is similar with hydro heralds. Plus his foul legacy design is also kinda similar to them, that being said the one who taught childe foul legacy was Skirk.

Yay another ginger rerun (jk). Btw childe's foul legacy is hot, therefore we should thank skirk for that.

Two men were settled opposite to each other in the facilities of deluxe space. Reserved and shutted from both inside-out, a perfect setting for a reticent confab. Quietude tangled in betwixt the pair as one of them brought his cup under his nose, close enough to scent the lovely fragrant.

"Why the sudden acquaintance?" Baritone voice was quick to be heard by the gingerheaded male.

"We, no-- I, asked her to be my partner. In a romantic way." Straight to the point, the harbinger acted differently than his usual manner, hands perspiring stayed out of sight as his striking façade appeared rigid.

"She objected your boldness, I reckon?" The older man shut his orbs in peace.

"No, fortunately."

Words exited from the infamous fatui's lips swiftly ensued a motion of slamming one's hand into the table harshly, amber eyes widen to discern the mortal in front of him. Liquid of his favorite tea had spilled along broken cup left abandoned at the wood surface.

"Unfortunately." The former yanwang dijun corrected.

"Childe, there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity." A pause. "I did ask you to guard her by the contract, however, not with amusing yourself with her feelings."

"I thought I made it clear."

"As crystal." Childe nervously chuckled, earning a cold glare from the elder male.

"Hence, do tell why you acted the contradictory of our agreement." Each phrase enunciated in unyielding tone.

"Well, I believe there's no such thing as 'I'm restaining you from being my daughter's boyfriend' in the contract, is it not?"

A sigh escaped from the gentleman. "Perhaps not committed to paper. But, we certainly had conversation about this. You, out all of fellows I've encountered, plainly not the best choice for her. I simply wish to see her happy, not shedding tears for some rascal like you."

Instead of giving up against your guardian, Childe fanned the flames of hostility. He unmistakably was stirred up by the other male's choice of words. He did expect somewhat outcome like this, nevertheless, such an overpossessiveness the elder borne was not essential when he's one of the reasons why you expressed forlorn fused with agony.

"Zhongli-sensei, you're a hypocrite." The lad hissed.

"Do you think by hiding like this will make her happy? Must I remind you the reasons she cried for days was because of your death. Fake death."

The ex-archon brow furrowed as he racked his brains over the assertion. "Enough. I will not partake in this conversation any longer."

Alas, his warning fell on deaf ears. Childe was far too resolved to engage another reaction from the immortal. "You're the one who made her become like this, not only you lied to her, you've been keeping her father's ancestry as secrets."

"I never did support your decision for this matter, and I'm patent she won't fond of this either. I'm doing this all along because you seem to be so wary about her safety."

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