Chapter 20

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The adepti took a step closer as his eyes questioned you wordlessly from under furrowed eyebrows.

"You called me, did you not?"

"Well, no-- but yes, accidentally."

"Therefore, what is it you wish to hide from me?"

"Hide? No, of course! I won't hide a thing from you." A pause. "It's nothing, really." That's what you said in order to cover up the truth.

Needless to say, it was obvious you were trying to conceal something. Xiao heaved a sigh at your act of deceit. He was going to open his mouth before Ningguang interrupted with a light cough.

"How amusing. But please, do continue your conversation down there. I still have work to do if you don't mind." She exclaimed nonchalantly.

"Right, I supposed this is where we parts." You said.

Much to your surprise, Ningguang took you into a warm embrace, whispering, "Zhongli decided to give his gnosis to the fatui before he died."

"What?" You broke the embrace.

"Why did he do--"

"Well, that's for you to find out. I don't know anything much else." Ningguang cut off your sentence and pushed you slowly by shoulders outside the room.

"Wait, how did you even know that?"

"Morax had exchanged some information with me when he asked for my help to celebrate the rite of descension." She explained very briefly.

"Now, have a safe trip, Y/N." It was the last thing you heard from Ningguang as she waved towards you and asked the guard to lead you and the two adeptis to the elevator stone.

You were lost in your own thought regarding to what Ningguang said earlier, why would he do that? What's their exchange until he's willing to give his gnosis? Albeit you're pretty sure that even without a gnosis he was still strong, it's must also have been the reason why the celestia manage to achieve his death.

"It's like old times, isn't it?" Ganyu finally spoke, unable to stay in the silence any longer.

You snapped back to reality. "Huh?"

Ganyu smiled. "The three of us, together again."

If you could emphasize the sincerity of your opinion, you would probably answer it with 'But there's no Zhongli.' Nonetheless, it's plaintive for you to said so as Ganyu simply was talking about the three of you back at the old days, thus you answered yes instead.

Xiao, on the other hand, seemed to be in such an irk. He had his usual pose, hands crossed on his chest, in all probability it has becoming one of his habits to do so. He didn't respond to Ganyu's words, rather he prefered to look over the city whilst the stone moving down leisurely.

Upon noticing that he was likely to be sulking, you emitted a long audible breath. "Xiao, are you mad?"

"No." He answered coldly, unwilling to meet your eyes.

You once again sighed. "No, but I'm irritate for the fact you called me all the way for naught. That's what you wanted to say, isn't it?"

Stunned by your words, Xiao finally placed his gaze on you. He was unsure how could you know what he's actually thinking about.

"Hmph." He responded.

"Promise me if I tell you my conversation with Ganyu... you won't stop me."

The stone ceased at last, it made you realized that the three of you had arrived back to the regular ground. You walked down from the stone, following Ganyu who was walking much faster than you and Xiao.

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