Chapter 2

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You felt a cold breeze on your face, your entire body was shaking and there it goes again... this unpleasant feeling surrounding you, you didn't know where you are, all you can see was an emptiness. Like in the middle of nowhere. It's only a dream, you kept saying that repeatly, trying to ignore the feeling that creeps up into you. For some reason, you scared the dark, emptiness, and being trapped inside it.

You woke up, jumping out of the bed with sweat all over your forehead. You sighed, grasping your pillow tightly. You had a nightmare. As long as you can remembered, you never had it before. You wiped your face harshly with your hands. You didn't know why you're terrified the darkness itself at the first place, knowing you actually lived for about hundred years in a baby form trapped inside a seal with magic things which made time stops around you.

You knew this because Zhongli told you about how he almost forgot to unsealed a baby. At least that baby is now here and living her normal life.

You stood up and closed the window, as usual you always forgot to close it, much alike Zhongli who always forgot to brought his wallet.

Not long after you spaced out watching the skies, you decided to took your archery arm guard from the shelf inside your room and wore it. You looked over to the training ground which located below your balcony, you picked a bow right beside you. There is some weapons you always put on your balcony, below your pillow, and bed, in case something happened.

You didn't have trouble using any type of weapon as you collected bunch of spear, bow, sword, whip, etc. You could use it just fine if it's not broken, well, since you couldn't really use any of Guizhong's power—you tried to hide your flaws with other stuff. Actually, it wasn't exactly because you couldn't, but it's more like you didn't have the energy to grasped all the dust in air intended of making a giant-giga ball dust. All you could do was spraying a thin dust to your enemy's eyes.

Maybe it's because you're a half human-god. It's still quite useful though. And thank Archons, with Zhongli as your sensei you could master geo element pretty well.

Not to mention, you could also summoned a big ass stone while imitating your sensei's epic lines 'I will have order.'

However that won't change the fact you didn't have a vision. Zhongli who was known as Morax, the god of contracts, also Mr. Know-it-all even confused by your non-existence vision. He tried to do some research of course, trying to figuring out what's wrong with you, until now.

You jumped out of your balcony in a black nightgown, ignoring the cold air and taking an arrow to placed it in your bow instead. You shooted an arrow to the archery target in ease. The arrow landed on the middle target. Nothing new, just you and your perfect accuracy.

Suddenly you heard a clap from behind, you turned your body to saw who's there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked with annoyance and confusion. If your guess weren't wrong, it should be midnight now. So why is a fatui harbinger here, inside your house?

It's been a few days since the last time you saw his face. He smiled innocently, "Don't worry I wasn't stalking you."

"You know what, just leave already."

"Oh come on, Y/N. Don't be so rude to me, I was just doing some bussiness with Zhongli-sensei, and happened to pass by, that's it."

You doubted he was just passing by. The problem is your house entrance is far from the training ground. Anyway, it's probably because he heard someone's shooting an arrow, that's why he's interested.

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