Chapter 18

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Childe snuggled his face against a incredibly soft, supple surface. It was heavenly, at least for him. While the other party seemed to have some sort of problem with breathing due to an exact someone.

The harbinger himself wasn't been able to sleep for the past three days. He had to endure all of that sleepless night because he simply felt the need to guard you. When Zhongli is stated literally to be dead, it was his part of contract to do such thing.

Instead, discrete within the contract issues, he found himself more and more entwined to you. Appearing which now he was here, close by, keeping your fatigued body safe lying on the bed, was not a facade based on the indenture paper. The hours he had spent taking care of you in the past three days was his own course of action.

In truth, he didn't envisage to be the one who lose in the little game you both had.

Childe let out a small groan, now that his mind was bound alive even to the point of thinking this hard at the moment he had just woken up, he didn't have any choices other than pulling himself away from the mushy pillow.

This was the first time he ever felt so comfortable in sleeping away from his cold town. The discern of reluctant inside him was quick to be replaced by a slight shock as he opened his eyes. Only by then he realized he was sleeping on the king-sized bed that supposed to be the guest's, or precisely on you.

He took the spare time to stare at your figures before moving away from you, laying down his body besides. It was distressing even for him to sleep on a sick person... not that he wanted to, well, his body betrayed him. It needed rest anyway.

Mayhaps the embrace was too comfortable, such a very good opportunity of advantage to miss. Either way, he still felt the exigency to apologize when you're awake.

Unbeknownst to him, his hand slowly moved to caress your cheek.

Your body was reacting on its own, nuzzling to the warmth you felt in your cheek. Upon realizing your gesture, Childe chuckled. How adorable, he truly wasn't anticipating this side of you.

Oh, dear. The woman he'd been dreaming of would be sleeping so defenseless, exposed, sharing the same bed as him; just what on earth would you do if you knew what actually he visualized you from night to night?

Childe tucked your hair behind your ears. Observing your physique more clearly than before. Your hoarse voice from mostly spending the time crying was obvious to him, now transparent as he saw your swollen eyes.

If your emotions was an option, he would probably choose seeing you mad to him rather than crying. In his defense, you rarely smile genuinely to him. He was getting tired of the fraud. That being said, he didn't mind at all to see you cry for him.

Regardless of his twisted unwanted feeling by looking your vurnerable condition, he still in the right state of his mind. You were in the midst of mourn, it was all that matters to give you a consolation. Needn't it to say for your circumstances, it was easier to manipulate you if he wanted.

However, he wouldn't dare implemented such thing to you, or so he thought. After all, it recalled him of the abyss cruelty he had consummate. The teaching was indeed effective, yet had it demolished a mental capacity of humanity for the cost of naught, deftly as turning your palm.

Within the few weeks, he agreed that you've actually made a quite changes, making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another in his life.

Once, he had drugged you, and it wasn't a big thing for him in the past to do so. Now, in the present, he couldn't say he would do the same thing to you.

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