Chapter 21

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TW: blood, murder, violence.

Going on a sudden voyage of town from one where sun emitted heat against living being, to another where it felt as if the sun itself couldn't possibly fight the frigidity was a vexatious adaptation indeed. For what's worth, this travels had bothered your mind about your fatherland, too. To think you would simply leave, taking a jaunt without any prior notice to tell to Madame Ping nor a proper farewell with Xiao.

Indicating that, if you decided to eventually come back, there's going to be a whole lot of mess you'd have to clean up. Either you should have to let yourself beaten up by Xiao or maybe just let it be. The second option worked the best with you, however, by burdening to do so it meant Xiao would dramatically loathe you even more.

The yaksha wasn't your top priority to be fret of at the moment. Something else has also been lingering in mind. You recalled very clear that you have managed to gather all of the words you wanted to say to Madame Ping in form of a letter before you truly left the harbour.

In all honesty, you didn't have the tenacity to talk with her. She was kind, compassionate, understanding. Regardless, you didn't want to see the elderly woman's heartbreak phase of somewhat typical scene by the wording 'letting childrens grew up and finally let them go,' technically, to an unknown place.

Telling her that you want to leave the city succeeding  Zhongli's death wasn't a bright idea, after all. The guilt you felt keep growing as you recollected back then with how Madame Ping supervised you when Ganyu or Xiao weren't capable of it.

Since the geo archon himself, too, wasn't a great guardian, he asked one of the person he associated and acquainted with very well. Of course, he had no other recourse than Madame Ping herself. By the same token, your younger self need at least someone with a right apprehension and capacity to take a good care of you. Yet, when you decided to finally departing apart from home, you didn't even try to confront her directly.

You stared at the road whilst the carriage keep going on making kinetic energy, it's been hours of endless settle in the lavish carriage with Childe. Not that you were complaining, the journey was comfortable, but after spending hour to hours sitting down... you couldn't say the same thing. Even so, you're grateful Childe didn't really placed a lot of effort to annoy you in the few hours.

A day has passed in due course transmigration road you took, first with a ship anchored in a port belonging to Fontaine. Proceeded a road trip to the final destination after.

By now, there's nothing much else you could do beside staring at the road. However, you have proven yourself wrong as you glanced over the ring you wore, something much more compelling than the niveous road full of ice crystals.

The ring design was quite minimalist, elegant, exquisite even as it's a high quality white gold with a small fraction of cor lapis in the middle, formed a small square shaped area, characteristically decorating with the method of beautifying appearance.

While at it, you kept your mind in check of the things that you might forgot to conduct. You memorized clearly the workers of Zhongli's house has been a huge help for you. They let you know that everything you need was in your travel bag. Most importantly, they packed an various coats and you're pretty much grateful they did.

Basic thing of knowledge that you understood well so far amongst the Snezhnayans alike Childe was people would literally freeze to death if they didn't keep moving outside.

It wasn't a joke, though, it may sounded like one when you first heard it from the ginger. Utterly unbelievable and oh, the proof was before your eyes, the numbing frigid air was definitely real to your senses.

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