Chapter 15

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"When will the rite begin?" An inquiry came out of your lips in vivid annoyance.

Childe set his gaze on you before he looked back to Katherine who was frowning at the presence of you two. Nonetheless, Katherine's behaviour wasn't the strange one here, since you and the harbinger were camping near the guild area for hours. "Prolly in a hour,"

"We're not going to be late, if that's what are you worrying." He added without hesitation, ignoring Katherine.

Although you were aware the fact Katherine was looking at the two of you, you decided it best to ignore it too.

"We have been waiting one hour for the traveler. Why is it she is nowhere to be seen?" Guessing around, you probably have cursed at Childe more than five times by now.

"My intel from Mondstadt told me that she always pay a visit to the adventurers' guild to do things like daily commisions. I believe she will be here any minute."

"I just don't know at what time exactly she will come." Childe shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

A sigh left from your lips, you're getting more annoyed by the minute. "I shouldn't have asked you about this."

"Look at the bright side, at least I know where to find her. All we need to do is wait for her."

"Unless you got a better idea?" He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

Unable to answer him, you went silence. His statement wasn't entirely wrong. Still... what a nuisance. Should you really be waiting like this for the traveler? Well, yes, eventually she would come. But it was such a waste to spend time with this type of uncertainty.

"Stop doing that."

Sparing him a glance, he raised an eyebrow, his chin lifting in what you recognized as a look very close to commanding. "What?"

"That habit of yours, you tend to bite your lips when you feel uneasy. So what's bothering you?"

"Oh, wow! I guess I must really piqued your interest, Mr. Harbinger." You said with a cocky tone.

"What makes you think so?"

"You seem to really know my habits well by observing me, don't you?"

"Heh. I observed everyone to get information."

"Sure, freak."

"Who are you calling freak?" Obviously he was annoyed by your caustic tone.

"Don't act like I didn't know there's someone who is stalking me in Mondstadt."

"And you assume it was my intel?"

"If it's not your subordinate then how would you even notice about the hickeys? I figured that I was actually hiding it pretty well."

"I'm busy y'know, I wouldn't do such a thing." The topic's conversation was ended by a scoff leaving from your mouth as you crossed you arms, enjoying the feeling of victory.

"You still didn't answer me yet." He exclaimed, acting as if nothing happened.

Forsooth, you weren't sure telling him what's on your mind would be a good thing to do. Then again, you couldn't hold this agitated concern any further.

"...I don't have a good feeling about the rite of descension."

He startled a bit at your utterance. Surely, it wasn't the respond he expected coming from you. Zhongli is a god, why would you be worried for him? Mayhaps you knew a portion of what was going to come all along, and yet it wasn't a piece of fortune.

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