Chapter 7

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"Teucer is probably exhausted since we're literally running around Liyue searching for his brother." You said, following Childe from behind who's now inside the guest room.

You leaned against the door with your arms folded. "So, Mr. Toyseller, would you like to explain yourself?"

"Look, I only told him that so that he'll look up to me. In the eyes of a child, working with toys must be the best job imaginable, right?"

"That's why you lied to him?"

"I don't want my family to have anything to do with the Fatui's... or should I say Snezhnaya's... darker side."

Both of you did the conversation with a low voice, not wanting to wake Teucer from his slumber. It appeared that finding his brother for the rest of the day drained a lot of Teucer's energy, and yours too.

"Well yeah, I did lie to him but it's a white lies."

You sighed, you truly understood regarding his feeling of wanting to protect someone who's important to him. Actually, this might be the first time you ever found a similarities between you and Childe. You too... also have someone you wanted to protect. Although, you're not 100% agreed with his efforts to protect Teucer. For starters, you never really liked the idea of someone you cared for lying to you.

Even if it's a white lies, you still found it unpleasant. Nonetheless, everyone have their own type of way to protect someone they beloved. And as much you didn't want to have a finger in the pie for Childe's problems, you're pretty sure you possibly would have to play along with his scenario sooner or later while he's hiding the truth from Teucer.

"It still doesn't fit right to me... I mean if I were him i'd be mad at you because you lied to me."

"The older ones already know that I serve the Tsaritsa. But he's still so young, and in his eyes..." Childe's statement was filled with a worried tone.

You smiled genuinely at him, it softens you hearing how soft he was towards his family.

"If you say so..."

Childe's pupils widen at you, he looked suprised.

You frowned, what's up with this guy?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I think it's the first time that you've ever smiled so genuine to me, girlie." He smiled smugly. Ugh, not the pet names again.

Honestly, you didn't really know why he could act like nothing ever happened between you two before. After the whole tension thingy, he kept radiating the same jerk energy like he used to. Of course, something was indeed different among the two of you right after what happened before.

The fact you couldn't figure it out what's actually happening amid you and that harbinger guy yet.... was irritating. At least for you.

"Anyway, you should say thank you to the conqueror of demons, the yaksha or whatever he refers to, instead of me. He's the one who saved your brother from danger." You spoke facts because you didn't want to stole Xiao's credits.

"I will find him privately to say thanks."

Childe stepped closer to saw his little brother, it seems like he missed home and his family. You took the cue to left because you didn't want to bother the reunited siblings. Before you close the door you saw Childe's stroking Teucer's hair while he sat on the bed.

The sight made you felt lonely... sad... and somehow envy.

Now you started to wondered, how is it like to have siblings? Or maybe real family by your side...? Sure Zhongli is your family, not a biological one though. At last, he's still the person who filled your parents' absence. You're lucky to have him, that's what you thought whilst walking to the kitchen.

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