Chapter 14

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Once in a while, you'd have to admit that the act of his infuriating playboy attitude was making you off guard. In all honesty, you couldn't tell whether is it because of his charm or you're slowing losing your defense towards him. One thing for sure, nothing good comes from it. Zhongli even warned you about this, you didn't want things to be the other way around.

Slowly but surely, he was capable to enchanted you even if it's only for a mere minute. Irresistible; for it's best to describe, though Childe was never the irresistible type as for you to begin with, it was easy to reject him. And not only once or twice you rejected him countless time.

Strangely, you couldn't deny the fact you keep letting yourself tolerating him after what happened. You rolled your eyes in annoyance. Get a grip, Y/N.

Anyone is fine but Childe... now that things turned out to be like this, what are you supposed to do about him? Should you just keep your distance from him? First and foremost, the question which you reluctant to ask yourself was: must you circumvent from him to not let yourself fall?

The answer to this question was a determine whether you could handle him or not. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you're only a labile being who also desired to fall in love as it is an emotional upheaval, either in the most wrong way or somehow attached to an exact dangerous good-looking guy. Life is full of surprises, they said.

The population in this world couldn't be considered as a small one, and yet it didn't rule out the possibility for you to fall in love with the wrong guy. At this rate, the harbinger most likely made the chance even bigger as he entered your life without consent.

"Y/N?" Before you could realize what happened, Childe was already beside you, leaning into your face as he placed both of his hands on your chair armrest.

"Am I not attractive enough to look at until you spaced out in front of me?"

You stunned a bit by the sudden interaction. "Yes, now get away from me--"

"What will you do if I don't get away?" He came closer with a cheeky smile plastered his face.

Gravitate towards, you whispered right into his ear. "I guarantee you don't want to know."

Taken aback by your impredecible action, Childe soon smiled. Obvious to you, he nimbly tried to take preeminence over the situation again. "Try me."

And just like that you grabbed the nape of his neck, continued with giving him a knee kick on his stomach.

"That must be hurt." You mumbled, making a fake worried expression when you set your gaze at Childe to see his reaction.

As soon as you found himself was holding his stomach in pain with a facial expression that clearly described how excruciating your kick was, only to make you laughed even more at his distress.

"If this is the price to make you happy maybe I'll reconsider about getting kick, girlie."

"Thank you for the food." You said, not bothering to replied his sentence as you walked away from him.

Prior to leave, you remembered something to inquire of. Of course, if it wasn't such an important question, you wouldn't bother yourself to ask. Especially to him. Nonetheless, you're pretty sure that he got the answer about this important thing you wanted to know.

So you turned around. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, you stepped closer to where he was.

"Ah, right. I need to ask something."

Childe groaned in pain while he took a seat. "What is it?"

"As a fatui, do you have any info about the famous traveler? I suppose she has a blonde hair and travels around with a flying mascot," You tried to repeat what Albedo mentioned about Lumine's appearance since you have never met her.

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