Chapter 23

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Seconds passed, with your eyebrows knitted together, your heart was somehow against the idea of tackling him down as your orbs was locked into his dull ocean eyes. It took a moment before you finally composed yourself out from his dazzling charm, and when you finally did, a sigh came out in displease.

"If you think by growing fond of you meant I'd fuck you, you must have thought of me so... lowly." Eventually, you made a kind gesture by pushing his weight to the left side of the bed with your arm.

The intentional lack of defense he put made it easier for you to give him force, implying him to lay his back down at the vacant side, right beside you.

Childe snickered at your statement. "What if I was trying to ask you for a cuddle, hm?"

"Both of them keep our bodies warm, right?" He continued, still using a cheeky tone.

"Obviously, it's not what you're trying to ask earlier."

"Fair enough."

You rolled your eyes in annoyance, subsequently faced him. "Can you go now?"

"Are you sure you don't want a cuddle?" He smiled in an irritatingly smug way, eye-to-eye with you.

You shook your head a few times, not willing to show a slightest doubt. "Not at all, I'd rather for you to leave."

"Any other chicks would have accepted my offer, you know."

"Do I ask about that though?"

"No, however--"

"You aren't that bright, are you?"

"Ouch, that's offensive."

"I told you to leave almost like seven times yet you're still here."

"Alright, alright." He placed his hands on the air, a sign of defeat. "I'm leaving. Have a good night, girlie." The man stood up from the bed, revealing his true height whilst walking towards the door.

"Finally." You mumbled.

Straight away, the joyful bliss expression was erased from your face when he, out of sudden, have the audacity to pause in his tracks. "Oh, right, I almost forgot to tell you this. You shall have an audience with the Tsaritsa in three weeks."

Your pupils blown out in disbelief, a feeling of mild astonishment hit you in swift upon hearing the harbinger's precipitate affirmation.

Three weeks?

"I can't wait that long." You declared, swinging your legs to stand up abruptly. At the moment, you didn't even think about how the shirt you're wearing now hiked up, a bit too high until it was no longer covering your underpants.

Childe shrugged his shoulders. "The Tsaritsa has a bustling schedule, after all."

"Really? C'mon, you're a harbinger, I suppose you should have some special way to ask an audience with her, right?"

"Oh? So now you need me?"

"Well, I..." You tried to say something, in fact trying to find the right words to beg.

He chuckled at your futile attempt. As much as he wanted to keep you accompany all night long, he has other things to do. "I will take my leave, then."

Prior to leave the room and you alone, he glanced at your lower body. Checking you out without consent, he was merely a regular man with basic needs, after all.

"Hm, I like the red one you're wearing." More or so, a man accompanied by such typical jerk persona. It's obvious to you what he's refering at, none other than the silk which was covering your womanhood.

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