Chapter 37

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In the aftermath of the shocking events, a profanity disrupted the silence, "Fuck."

Someone cursed, prompting both you and Childe to react with surprise.

"Sensei! What was that?!?!?!" Childe exclaimed, his reaction exaggerated.

"Wow since when he started to curse?" you chimed in.

However, Zhongli, with a sigh, conveyed the seriousness of the situation. "This isn't the time for jests. Y/N, given your age, undergoing a trial means they might resort to force. Weak subordinates failed this time, but they could escalate, perhaps sending a god to retrieve you."

Reflecting on past experiences, Childe questioned, "Sensei, haven't you dealt with situations like this before? Like when celestial beings attempted to abduct Y/N when she's still a kid?"

Zhongli clarified, "Those instances were different; they were weaker entities. Trials imply something far more severe."

Understanding dawned on you. "Ah, that's why Zhongli kept it a secret from me!"

Both men frowned in confusion. "Huh? What are you talking about?" they asked.

"You know, the suspicious tea he made me. I tossed it," you confessed, recalling Zhongli's attempt to erase your memories through a drugged tea containing a magical herb from a whatever-that-flower-was, designed to induce forgetfulness of events within the past 24 hours.

"Y/N, that tea was rather costly," Zhongli remarked.

"Oops, sorry." You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly.

The man with amber orbs sighed, closing his eyes with a frown for a couple times. "I think it's best we get back to the mansion first. We can't occupied this cabin anymore, no?"

Both you and Childe nodded at the statement, the fight earlier tore this innocent cabin. The ceiling was left with a hole.


Receiving constant attention from your lover, resembling a sick puppy, you found Childe clinging to you all day. Even as Zhongli made his way out to meet an old friend, Childe decided to sneak into your room and monopolize the bed. Eventually, he locked you in with a tight hug, not ceasing to rub his face against your chest. Admittedly, he's adorable in his actions.

"Childe, don't you have a job to do?" you asked, sensing he might be too carefree with his responsibilities.

"It's nothing, I can do it tomorrow. I just wanna be with you right now," he answered, half-whining.

"I don't think it's a good thing to procasitinate like that." you mentioned, your fingers gently weaving through his brown locks.

"Pretty please?" he implored, pouting and casting you a gaze filled with puppy-like innocence.

Ugh, he's undeniably too cute!!!

His cuteness nearly stopped your heart.

"Fine," you surrendered, succumbing to Childe's overwhelming cuteness.

"Childe," you called, and he hummed in response.

Still playing with the strands of his hair softly, you began to share your thoughts. "I was just thinking..."

"Y'know, it could've been so much easier if I, say, willing to go with them rather than fighting them for the rest of my life, don't you think?"

The eleventh harbinger frowned. "Them?"

"You know, Celestia and stuff."

He understood that if you were genuinely willing to undertake the Celestia trial, there was a possibility you might not return—a selfless sacrifice to spare Childe and Zhongli from a lifetime of protecting you.

However, he strongly disapproved of this idea; in fact, he detested it. His deep desire was for you not to go, staying by his side for the rest of your life, and he was prepared to do anything to ensure your safety. Consequently, he firmly opposed the suggestion.

What you didn't know was the fact that he's more than willing to seal off any escape from your room. His sinister intention went beyond mere restriction, as he aimed to snuff out any possibility of you undertaking actions, particularly sacrificing yourself for the ambiguous concept of the greater good.

This unveiled a chilling aspect of Childe's nature, marked by an unsettling obsession with control.

"No will do, girlie." He declared.

You pouted. "Come on, it's the simplest way."

Feeling restless, you couldn't fathom the idea of being protected indefinitely. Yet, in your desperation to find a solution, sacrificing yourself seemed like the only option, given Celestia's overpowering presence.

"I said no, Y/N," Childe's voice carried a newfound seriousness.

Annoyance crept in. It seemed easy for him to reject the idea, but could he truly offer a viable alternative?

You pulled yourself from his embrace, now placing yourself to sit in the bed.

"So what then? Are you two going to protect me for the rest of my life? Haven't you heard what Zhongli said? They are more powerful than us. We can't beat them. That's why just let me go, and everything will be as it's supposed to be!" Your words spilled out, driven by desperation rather than careful consideration.

"I won't allow you to leave, okay?! And I'm certain Zhongli won't either. So, quit acting like a brat and patiently await another solution," he declared, finally snapping, rising from the bed as well.

"I'm not acting like a brat! I'm offering you a solution to all of this," you replied, desperation coloring your words.

"It's not that simple to just let you go." he scoffed. "You have no idea how it feels."

Moments later, he forcefully pushed you onto the bed, looming over you, supporting his weight with both hands beside your head.

"Y/N, I can't bear to let you go," he whispered, his voice now a soft lullaby, while his right hand tenderly stroked your hair.

"I warned you not to entertain such thoughts, yet why do you persist?" he questioned, the earlier gentleness replaced by a harsh tug in your hair—eliciting a sharp hiss from you.

"C-Childe, what are you—" you gasped, caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events.

Your hands instinctively held onto his, trying to restrain him from pulling any harder.

"Oh, my beautiful Y/N..." His other hand tenderly caressing your cheek.

His touch was gentle and kind, in stark contrast to the other hand that was still tugging your hair.

"Consider thinking about leaving me again, and I'll confine you for the rest of your life." He continued, this time, his voice dripped with desperation.

His dull blue orbs reflecting a tumultuous mix of possessiveness and fear, as if the idea of you slipping away shattered his already fragile composure.


guys im trying to finish this fanfiction asap😭
just wml bc im actually in my exam week </3 also if yall interested i have a new gojo ff, check it out if u want :D

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