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Ariel's POV
It was night and we just finished moving my bed into perrie's room for perrie "PERRIE!" Me and Perrie hear and Thor appears.

"Hey Thor" Perrie says waving. "Where's my hammer?!" He asked angerly. Perrie rushes away.

"HEY!" he yelled. Perrie comes back throwing the hammer in the air and catching it.

"I, Thor son of Hammers!" Perrie said out loud trying to impersonate Thor.

"Come here you.." Thor rambled on as he chased perrie around. "Ariel catch!" Perrie says throwing the hammer to me.

I caught it but.....

I fell straight to the ground.

"Oops! I forget that other people can't wield the hammer" Perrie apologize as she helps me up.

Thor grabbed his hammer. "Why can't I lift it?" I asked. No offense to perrie but I was stronger than her and she could lift it.

"Well, it's simple..." Thor trailed off.

"Your just not worthy" the two sat together. Perrie trying to imitate Thor's accent.

"That's bullshit" and that's all I Said.

Thor lift. Saying 'Have a good night Milady's' in his weird accent.

"I've never really had a real bed before" i say cuddling into a pillow. Perrie smiles.

"And I've never really had friends my age so I guess we're all new to something" perrie says awkwardly laughing. I felt pity for her.

"You've never had friends?" I asked.

"Well I do. But wanda and buck at wilder than me. John's my brother. And everyone else is like my aunt's, and uncles. And I'm home schooled. John goes to a real school under the name John Smith." Perrie Explained.

"Why don't you go to a public school?" I asked.

"Dad's orders. He said I should be home schooled. I quote 'Public schools are dangerous. Especially for you'. That's his words not mine"

"Man. That must be hard" I say laying a hand on her knee. She smiled.

"Yeah. But hey, I'm still turning out smart"
I giggle a her. I hear the door open and my head snaps towards it to see Mr stark.

"Hey dad" perrie greeted.

"Heya hunny. I couldn't help but here yours and Ariel's conversation.... And I think I'm ready to let you go... To a public school" tony says smiling.

Perrie's eyes widen. She bounced off the bed and hugged her dad. "Thank you dad!!! Thank you thank you thank you!" She says.

I smile. "And your going to kid. So is Thomas, newt and a few others" tony clarified.

"I love you dad!!!" Perrie yelled as she hugged him again and kissed his cheek. Tony chuckles.

After a few awkward moments of watching them hug tony has finally had enough.

"Ok you can let go now" she didn't budge.

"Perrie..." Tony warned. Perrie pulled away faster than I could see.

"Sorry dad... I'm just so happy!" Perrie said. "Ok hunny. You start tomorrow. Training starts in the weekends and always remember that the gym is open at all times" tony says before exiting the room.

Perrie squeals jumping up and down. "I can't wait!!" She hugged me. It felt nice for someone other than newt to hug me.

I felt like she's been missing from me my whole life.

"Well we must get some sleep we don't want to miss out on tomorrow!" I say. Perrie jumps up and down again this time twirling me.

"I can't wait!!" She exclaimed and rushed to her bathroom. Newt and thomas soon came in. I could tell Thomas was looking for perrie.

"She's in the bathroom shuck face" I say laughing. He pouts. Newt thins his lips before popping them back out.

"Soo school?" He asked. We stayed silent.

"Yay..." Thomas boredly said waving his hands a bit.

"Lighten up tommy! Go to highschool make.some regular friends! The maybe get a girlfriend on the way" newt says slapping a hand onto Thomas chest. I smile.

"Maybe even perrie" I tease winking at him. He blushed.

"Oh shut it you two!" He whined. I giggle. Newt winks at me and I go a bit pink.

"See I'm not the only one crushing" Thomas says pointing to me. I smirked. He saw my smirk and his eyes widen.

"No no! Ariel no!!" He panicked.

"You just admitted you liked her!!" I yell. "Shut it Ariel. Perrie's gonna hear ya!" Newt said playfully slapping my arm.

I share a mischievous smile with him then we turn back to Thomas. "Nope I'm leaving!" He says pointing his hands up in a surrender motion.

He left the room as perrie came out in her PJS and her hair wet. "What was all the yelling?" She asked.

Me and newt played it off cool. "Nothing. We were just discussing our favorite Raya and the last dragon scene!" Newt says.

I nod. She gives a look. "Ok?? Well I'm going to bed so I think you guys should do the same" she suggested. Newt nods.

"Bye love" he says kissing my cheek. He walked away and exited the room.

"Ooo someone's in love" I hear perrie tease. I turn to her to see her leaning in her bed sheets.

"Night" she quickly says as I said her a glare.

I smile.

Maybe it won't be so hard...


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