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Perrie's POV
I was sitting behind a glass window watching dad. He was in an important meeting with some authorities. They were going crazy about us saving the bridge.

"I understand the problem of these new comers but they saved lives out there" Dad explained.

Steve was there too. Defending my dad when ever the civil war came up in the conversation.

Newt came in and watched beside me. "How's Ariel?" I asked.

"She's ok. Thomas's is taking her out in her new Wheel chair" newt chuckles to himself.

I was going to say something while laughing but a yell enterupted me.

"WE ARE NOT RETIRING!" It was dad. He looked angry. "Tony" Steve warned. Dad sat down and sighed.

"Get a conference ready." And my dad exited the room. We burst through me and newts and snatched a water bottle from the table and drank from it.


"Not now hunny. Get ready. All three of you. I think it's time the world now what your doing"

Time skip
We're all in our suits. Newt dressed Ariel up in hers and now we're in a helicopter going to a conference.

"So are we telling the world it's us?" Ariel asked.

"No we can't. Dad doesn't want my identity leaking out. To protect me. And telling the world it's us will put a bigger target on our back" I explained.

We landed and shield gaurds surrounding us. Newt helps Ariel out while she put her mask on.

Us other three put our mask on and we walk in the building. Dad joins us and goes out first.

"We all saw what happened a few weeks ago. The new York bridge. The avengers are handling it-" tony was cut of by reporters.

"Who were the four indervituals?!"

"Are those four men taking over your job?!"

"Are they taking your responsibilities?!"

"Will we ever see you and the avengers again?!"

"Are they over powering you?!"

"Are they enemies?!"

"Why didn't you save the people on the bridge?! Why leave it to Four masked Supernaturals?!"

"Are these people dangerous?!"

I saw dad's Jaw clench and he looked frustrated. I've never seen this before. I saw Natasha in the ground just walking around.

"No one in the avengers are retiring. No one is over powering anyone. We were busy with higher stakes, and this group of people are not dangerous" dad said handling everything smoothly.

"Where are these four indervituals?!" A blonde lady yelled. I glared at her. I knew who she was.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. I walk out on stage with my mask. Dad looked at me shocked.

"I'm right here and as for my Partners.." I trialed off and gestured to the side. Newt pushed Ariel's wheel chair in with her on it.

Thomas also followed. We were all wearing our masks. Suddenly the reporters start bombarding us with more questions.

"Enough!!!" Newt yells over the group. Everyone goes quiet. My eyes glowed blue. Cameras flashed and I knew we were going to make the front page.

"This is our home. Earth is our home. And we will stand and protect it. We will not crumble. But the people in our way will. And who ever messes with us..." I trailed off and my blue eyes crack more.

With my telekinesis I picked up the blondes note pad and it floated in the air. More cameras flashed.

"Will be crushed" I say and the note pad crumbled as if it were a singular peice of paper.

I nodded my head at dad and he waved his hand meaning the conference is over. More questions were shouted even screamed.

"Who are you?!"

"Can we trust you?!"

More questions rushed out throughout the room. We made our way down the hall. Suddenly paparazzi comes rushing down.

I looked at dad and he nodded and stopped walking beside me. Thomas looked around to see what was happening but I grabbed his arm turning his focus to me.

My eyes had finally calmed down. One Question remained in my head. The one question that people will be asking most.

Who are you?


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