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Ariel's POV
I was punching a bag in the gym. Last night scared me. The nightmare and newt. Newt has ignored me since.

"You need to calm down" I heard say as she stood beside me grabbing my hand. "Shut up" I said.

Perrie tensed up just like newt did and started punching the bag. "Perrie stop" perrie stopped.

I was so confused. "Spin around" she spun around. "Punch me" perrie went to punch me but I caught it.

I look up and perrie's eyes weren't her usual light blue eyes they were black, just black all over.

"Perrie snap out of it!" I yell. Perrie rapidly shook her head and her eyes went back to normal.

"Perrie are you ok?" I asked.

"Y-Y-Yeah. What happened?" Perrie questioned. She didn't even know what she did.

"You started doing what I told you to do" I explained. Perrie's eyes widened. "Your controlling me. You have mind control" perrie smiled at me.

"No!" I say smiling. "Why would I?!"

"Did the men inject something in your arm?" Perrie asked.

"Yes bu-" she cut me off.

"What number am I thinking off" I was confused by her question but a number sprung up in my head.


"3000?" I asked. Perrie smiled. "My girl an read minds! And manipulate them!" Perrie's exclaims and hugs me.

I was surprised but hugged back. "Wait.... You know my powers. But I don't know yours" I say trying to get it out of her.

She just sighed. "I'd like to keep my abilities a secret" perrie Explained. I tried to get into her mind but I was kicked out.

The power of her not letting me in made me fly back. Perrie eyes widen and she lifted her hands as I stayed in mid air.

She lowered her hands and I landed safely on my feet. "You have telekinesis?!" I say excited.

"Yeah kinda." She says embarrassed. "Who has telekinesis?" I heard Thomas yell out.

There at the other end of the gym was Thomas and newt carrying two coffees each. Newt handed me one.

"I'm sorry love for ignoring you. I just got scared about the whole controlling thing" newt says chuckling. I was hurt but smiled as I kissed his cheek.

"Awe you two are so cute"perrie said as she sipped her coffee. "What about you two?" I asked back.

Perrie went pink while Thomas scratched the back of his neck. I entered Thomas's mind by accident and saw something I did not want to.

"Ew Thomas you perv!!!" I yelled and punched his arm lightly. "Ow! What was that for!" He yelled as he rubbed his arm.

"For thinking of perrie like that! Ew!" Perrie blushed a deeper pink and Thomas looked down.

"Wait wait wait. What do you mean thinking of perrie like that?!" Newt questioned.

"I can read minds apparently. Control them too. That's what happened last night. But I didn't know till this morning" I Explained.

Newt makes an oh face. "What was Thomas thinking?"

"He thought of perrie in the nakey!" I taunted as I brought my hands to my hips.

"Ew Tommy!" Newt yelled. "What?! I've seen it before!" Thomas yelled but covered his mouth.

"Perrie?" I said as we turned to her. She was now red. "Omg!!! You guys!" I say pointing at them. They sheepishly look at each other and look down.

"Ew!!! Me and ariel have been together longer and we haven't done it yet!" Newt complained as he waved his hands at the two.

"Well it just happened" perrie Explained.

"I bet it was last night! You never came back into our room. And you went of after the movie! Then I heard you squeal!" I yelled. I wasn't mad, I was over the moon.

Something I can tease about the two. "You can't tell anyone" perrie said.

"Yeah, her brother will kill me" Thomas said.

"Me kill you never"


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