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Ariel's POV
I groan as I sit up in the corner of this stupid cell. Suddenly my door unlocks and there's the man who caused all this.

"Is my princess having fun?" He asked. He walked over and I was going to control him but it doesn't work!

"Awe I love the way you try" he says lifting up my chin with his fingers. I go to kick him but he balled his fist. I tense up and pain shoots throw my whole body.

"J-j-john" I stutter. The pain was unbearable. I squeak a bit as I feel him chaining me up.

"I hate you" I snarled. John tilts his head at me. He pulls back from chaining my hands behind my back.

He lifts his hand in a slap motion so I close my eyes waiting for contact. But it never came.

"Awe princess. You thought I would hurt you?" John questioned darkly as I opened my eyes as he pulled my chin toward him slowly.

"I would never hurt my diamond"  he says. Tear fall from my eyes. He smirks and pulls my face towards his as he connected our lips.

I tried to pull away but I felt the same pain as before course through my veins. He pulled away and growled. He gripped my neck.

"Do it back. Show newt how much you love me" john spat his eyes glowing green.

Third Person
Ariel looked up frantically to see a camera pointed at them. On the other side of the camera was a beated up newt.

He was tied to a chair and was forced to watch.  He watched as the lips molded together. He found it disgusting how john was doing this.

The way he was forcing it upon Ariel. He said he was 'protecting' perrie.

What a load of bullshit!

Over on the other side of city perrie woke up yawning. She looked to her side to see a bare chested Thomas.

She smiled and got up. She wondered where newt, Ariel and John went. She decided to wash away her worries

⚠️ Warning: does get a Abit mature! If you want to skip this part. Just look out for the next warning sign and you'll be good to read on.

Perrie's POV
Where are they?!

Stop thinking about it perrie. Have a nice cold shower! That'll help!

I turn on the shower and strip down from my undergarments. Let's say me and thomas don't sleep in Pj's.

I stepped into the shower and felt the hot water on my skin. I felt my door open and I look around.

The glass walls were to steamy to look through so I just carried on. Then I felt a presence behind me.

I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. Then my back meet a hard warm surface.

I look up to see thomas looking down at me. He nuzzled into my neck and kissed it. His hands left my hips and he grabbed the soap.

"Now let's get you cleaned shall we?"

Ariel's POV
I was sat at a desk with my legs and arms strapped to a chair. On the desk was some food. Steak, mashed potatoes with gravy and a glass of wine.

"How's my baby doing?" John asked as he came inside. He sat down on the opposite side of the table facing me.

"Perrie will come for us! She will help me!" I yelled. A smirk played don John's lips.

"Perrie's a bit busy. Her and Thomas are quite the physical couple" John said. I growled.

Damn you Tommy hormones.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Shh pumpkin." John said as he picked at some of the food with a fork.

"Oh just pick a pet Anne and stick with it!" I snapped. John raised an eyebrow. "Ok princess" he winked at me.

I growled again. Once john had a fork full of mash potatoes he held it up to me "open wide" he said. I kept my mouth shut.

His eyes turned green. He roughly grabbed my chin and opened my mouth. He shoved the food inside and closed it.

"I hate you" I snarled once I sallowed the food. If I spat it out who knows what he could've done.

"Say that again" john sneered. I and I push it.


Suddenly I'm roughly taken out of my chair. I'm lifted into the air. I twisted on ways I didn't know I could.

The pain was unbearable. I screamed. Then he slammed me down.

He moved towards me but I shuffled to the wall. He grabbed my chin. Tears started clouding my vision.

I knew his eyes were still that green cat color.

"You are mine" he said and roughly connected our lips again. I didn't want to go through the pain so I did something I hated so much.

I kissed back with will.


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