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Perrie's POV
We turn around to see John. "Were you listening to our whole  conversation?" I asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not" john said flashing me a smile. "All I heard is Thomas here being a perv on my sister" He Spat.

Thomas gulped. Newt and Ariel go silent. "Don't Tell him about your powers. Don't tell anyone" I said in her head. She looked up at me.

"John leave Thomas alone" I scolded. "Why should I? He's perving on my sister!" John yelled.

"Dude it was a joke" Ariel said laughing. "No one jokes about my sister's body. You wanna do that stuff to my sister?!" John yelled.

Thomas shook his head. "Do ya?! Use your words!!" John yelled. He looked angry and when John's angry he's scary.

"No! Of course not!" Thomas yelled back. We did it last night...

"John lay off" I said trying not to get Thomas killed by my brother. John tired back to me.

"Watch out for him perrie. I can tell he's a player" john sneered poking Thomas's chest before turning around walking away. Thomas looked angry.

"Maybe she should watch out for her dick head brother!!" He yelled. My eyes widen. John stopped in his tracks and lunged at thomas.

Newt and Ariel gasped. "John!" I yelled. "Get off him!" But it was no use. Thomas beating the shit out of Thomas.

Thomas grumbled and flipped them over. They stood up and punched each other. I had finally had enough.

"Stop!" I yell lifting my arms. The boys spilt apart and we're raised in the air. The boys looked at me as they struggled in the air.

"Now when I let you guys back on earth you will not fight" I ordered. They nodded and I let them go.

The dropped to the ground hard and newt, along with ariel rushed to thomas's aid. Jon groaned.

"Don't pick fights John! It's not responsible" I scolded him. He grumbled.

"Now apologize to Thomas" Ariel demanded. John tensed up and said a quick apologie.

He quickly calmed down and looked at ariel then ran away. "Idiot" I mumbled.

I walk over to Thomas a help him up. I look at ariel and newt "Newt I need you to hop Ariel control her mind stuff. We can't get her going around controlling people. It's dangerous" Ariel and newt nodded

"Oh and no telling anyone!" I say pointing a warning finger.

Time skip
I finally made it to the medical room and sat Thomas up on the bed. I went over to a cabboard and grabbed the medical kit.

Thomas groans as he holds his stomach. "He really packs a punch" he said laughing but stops due to pain.

"He does. Back in Army training they would always make us spar. John always win of course. But know I can bet him myself" I say punching the air.

He tries to laugh but he groans instead. "Aw it's ok tommy" I say. I go in between his legs and start caring him.

"I need you to take of your shirt so I can see how much damage" I say turning putting some stuff away.


"Take.it.off" Thomas grumbles and tries to lift his top. "I can't" He mumbled.

"Pardon? What was that?" I tease. He glared at me. "I can't take my top of" He said a bit more louder.

"That's a bit better. Now what do you say?" I tease more. He pouts.

"Can you please remove my top" he says. I giggle and start removing his top. I nearly got it mid way of his shoulders when Ariel walked.

"HOLY SHIT!" She yelled. "Ariel shut it!" I say slapping a hand to her mouth.

"It's not what it looks like" Thomas said then grimaced.

"That's what they always say" Ariel said. "You guys were going to do it again!" She exclaimed.

"No!" Me and thomas exclaimed. "Ariel it was just a one night stand. It's not lasting for ever" thomas said.

My heart shattered. One night stand?

"Perrie?" Ariel asked. Tears qled in my eyes. "I-i-i need to leave. I remember I have a study session with parker, ned and MJ" I say walking off.

Ariel's POV
I knew that wasn't a lie. She was partners with the three in history. "How can you say that?!" I say and hit him over the head.

"I like your cut g!" We hear from the door. Newt walks in with a smile then it faded upon our faces.

"Did my joke not work?" He asked. "No. Thomas One night stood perrie" I said folding my arms Thomas looked down.

"No he didn't" newt said mouth wide open. "Oh yes he did!"

"Will you guys quit it?" Thomas asked.

"We won't till you fix this!" Newt scolded "now get off your bloody butt and go to the garage before she goes!" Newt ordered.

"I'm not going to get their in time" Thomas said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed thomas by the arm and started running to the garage.

Newt followed. Luckily we made it just as she got on the motorcycle. Her glasses were in and her hair was out.

"What do you want?" She spat at thomas. "Perrie I'm s-" but he was cut off by perrie rumbling the engine.

"Ariel you coming?" She asked me. I pointed at myself and looked around. She rolled her eyes and gestured for me to get ton the motorbike.

"Perrie listen I am so-" Thomas was cut off by perrie rumbling the engine more. I quickly got on the bike.

"I don't need your apologies" perrie spat. "I know what you thing of me."

"Perrie i-" but she cut me off this time.

"No, quiet. We're going to peter's" Perrie said drove off.

Tommy really mucked up...


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