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Perrie's POV
I sat on my couch and fiddle with a picture. It ofc course of me, john and alby. I look up at me window to see the sky setting.

I breath in and out.

Ariel's POV
I was with the boys explaining to them what was going on. "So perrie and john knew about alby?" Newt asked.

"Apparently so" I muttered. Thomas pinched the bridge of his nose. "And what do you want us to do?" He asked.

"We need to dig deeper. Obviously John and Perrie Haven't." I say.

"Love, as much as I loved alby... We need to respect John's and perrie's decision to put this case to rest" newt explained.

"But come on newt! Don't you want to know what alby's life was like before the maze! I mean perrie and john haven't been through this file since they got the tape" I explained.

"What tape?" Thomas asked. "This one!" I replied putting the tape into a tape box and it start playing what it played for me on the room.

"What! I bet you that we can up the sound on alby and lowered the background sound!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Yes!" I say pointing at him and grabbed the tape. It was night and us three sneaked off to John's office.

Thank god John let me have access. I slid into his black chair and went on his laptop. The two boys lean above me.

I up alby's voice and I mute the background music. Took me awhile but it worked. While the boys were waiting for me they started fiddling with stuff.

Like folders and things. "Hey I fold perrie's Folder!" Thomas yelled. Me and newt shush him and he brings the file to me.

While I was waiting for the record to be done loading I opened the file. Inside was a picture of a 11 year old girl in a SHEILD jet. She had bruises and scars littering her body.

"It's perrie" newt mumbled. I took out the photo and papers fell out of the file. I panicked and picked them up.

One caught my eye. It was a news heading. 'Girl Found by avengers in large whare house'

It didn't look like a whare house though. Looked like a base of some sort. Suddenly we here footsteps.

We panicked. I shoved perrie's file into thomas's hand, him still shocked after what I uncovered.

I luckily installed the recording on a hard drive so I took it out just as it reached 75%.

We rushed out of there. I saw two silohetes.
So I roughing tugged on the boys dragging them behind a desk.

"Your right. Someone's been in here" Perrie said as she looked into office. "JARVIS who was the last person who grated access to John's Sheild Level of building?" Perrie yelled up to JARVIS.

"Ariel miss stark" perrie looked out raged. Too be honest she looked scary when angry.

"I trust them! I gave them a home! I'm trying to be their friend! And all I get is this!" Perrie cried. Tears started flowing.

"Perrie they didn't take anything.." john trailed off. "Oh but they did John" perrie mumbled.

"They took my file John. My file"

"Perrie how do you now it could be a rat" john tried to reason.

"John, I know when someone has removed my folder. JARVIS alerts me. It's a someone not a pesky rat!"

"Ok ok. I know how much that file means" john whispered. "And we can't let Ariel and that find out so we need to get it back" perrie says looking straight at us.

I gulped down. She turned on her heel and left. "You know stealing my stuff isn't good?" We heard John's voice ring out.

"You an come out. I know you're there" we sigh and reveal ourselves. "File" john asked strictly. But Jonas held it tight.

"No. We deserve to know" Thomas snapped.

"Listen kid. We knew you were there. All of that conversation was a ruse to stop you guys from snooping." John says snatching the file.

"What do you mean?" I asked. A gun shot rings out and the file goes flying out of John's hands and on the floor. A massive hole tore through it, nearly take up the whole folder.

"He means that the file is a fake" Perrie's voice said. "Nice detective skills. But you need to quieten your breathing. You like breathing blood hounds"

"It's a fake?" Newt asked. "Yes, the headlines a fake. Made it up for nosing people like you" She said striding over picking up the now damaged folder.

"Bu-" Perrie cur me off. "I thought I could trust you. But clearly not. If you what to get my file then you'll have to go through this" perrie said gesturing to her head.

"Now off to bed. Before I get even more in happy...." perrie trailed off. I gulp down and me and newt were escorted out by John.

Thomas's POV
"I thought I could trust you tommy" perrie said. She plopped in a chair.

"You can!" I try to reason. All the stuff int he folder was fake the whole time.

Perrie's POV
"No. It's seems I can't" I say getting up from the chair walking away purposely bumping into thomas's shoulder.

Not all that stuff in that file was a lie


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