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Perrie's POV
It was lunch and I was lounging about on the cafeteria table. Thomas sat with me, along with parker, Ned, MJ and my favorite couple in be world, newt and Ariel.

I was eating an apple peacefully when ariel gasped out of nowhere snapping me from looking at my history book.

Amy stood over ariel with an empty but messy tray. Ariel was covered in brown slop that looked like poop.

Ariel swatted the stuff away with her hands. Amy laughed. She was one Liz's friends.

Why would she do that?

"Excuse me? Amy if you laugh more your going to end up choking" I said. Amy stopped laughing and looked at me.

She strode over to and I stood up. I threw book at thomas and he struggled to catch it but caught it against his chest.

"Why? You should be laughing too. I mean, you not her friend. You just sit with her weirdo friends" Amy said. My jaw clenched.

"Ya! Why don't you hang with us baby girl?" Mark, one on the Schools jocks, said to me winking.

"1. Ew 2. Don't call me that 3. I don't hang out with you because let's face it, you face is as ugly as your attitude..." I said getting in Mark's face then turned to Amy and poked her chest.

"And 4. Don't bully my friends." I snarled. Amy narrowed her eyes at me.

"I thought you were better than those losers! But really you're one of them!" She yelled. The whole cafeteria burst out laughing.

"And I thought you were a selfie u pig face and look you are one!" I retorted. She growled.

Ariel was being comforted by newt and thomas who were trying to clean the Muck off.

MJ joined my side while peter and Ned sat at the table offering napkins to newt and thomas.

"This is my cafeteria bitch! Get out!" Amy yelled. The room erupted with ooos and uhhs.

"If it's your cafeteria then why don't you eat the slop!" I say as I flick a spoon of mash potatoes at her.

She gasped as it hit her in the face. I smirked. MJ grabbed some carrots from newts plate and threw them at mark.

"Hey! My carrots! I wanted to eat those!" Newt whined.

"Put a sock in it blonde stick!" Kyla yelled at him. An enraged look crossed Ariel's face and she grabbed Ned's milk carton and squeezed it at the girl.

Kyla squealed. I smirked. Mark's henchmen came over and grabbed Newt and Thomas.

"Hey! Leave them out of this!" Me and Ariel said. I grasp as I feel strong arms wrap around me.

Ariel had a bunch of girls throwing ford on her and mark was holding me back.

I look around for John. I spot him sitting at the table that belonged to the 'popular' pricks.

I become angry. Suddenly the inter com, tv and lights started going haywire. The tv kept flashing into a glitching manner. The lights flashed on and off. And the inter com just kept screeching.

Thomas, newt and Ariel stare at me with pleading eyes. I breath in and out and control it.

Everything stopped and the students started rushing out of the cafeteria. Mark and his buddies dropped us and left.

MJ, peter and Ned already got out. The last students left were just me,Ariel, newt and thomas.

"That was eventful"


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