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Perrie's POV
I was entering my room when I saw newt and aurora making out. "Ooo getting hot in here" I say fanning myself.

They break apart and turn to me. I gave them a look. I still didn't like what they did but I have to live with them.

"Sorry" newt apologized and leaves, not without sending Ariel a kiss. I could see the blush on Ariel's cheeks.

"Someone's blushing" I point out smirking. "Shut up" she snapped. "Alright" I say and walk to my slider, and starting getting into my sleepwear.

"How was the party?" I asked.

"Yeah it was good. Though you did miss out out on the good part" Ariel said.

"Mhm and what was that?" I say walking out from the slider. "Well you would know if you were there" Ariel said.

I looked up at her. "I know you're hiding something from us. Something important" she pointed out.

"It's also something that has nothing to do with you" I shot back. I'll eventually have to tell them but I don't feel confident, nor comfortable.

"You know your were very nice till that whole motorbike shamble. Your hiding something, we know it."Ariel said pointing a finger at me.

"You know, I am trying to be your friend. But your making hard for yourself" I raise a eyebrow at Ariel's frustrated look.

"Argh! Why can't you just tell me?!" She asked. I sighed. "Because I said so. And I'm not comfortable. So just drop it. Maybe we could just slide past this one thing" I asked.

She breathe in and out. "Fine" she hesitantly hugged me and I hugged back.

That was weird....

Thomas's POV
"You kissed?!" Newt yelled. It was the next morning when I told him. It was now Saturday and we were just walking down the hall to breakfast.

"Yeah, we did. Man I want more than just kiss her! But dude it's useless. She's hiding something. I don't want to be in a secretive relationship" I explained.

"Yeah I get where ya coming from" newt explained.

We entered the kitchen to see Natasha cooking and the avengers surrounding a table. Perrie was there sitting with Wanda as Ariel sat Saving two sits on either side if her.

We all started eating. Perrie wasn't talking much. We would share glances but not long enough for me to find out why she's so antisocial this morning.


I jump. "Dad's blowing something up" john said making Steve chuckle. "Bet you he's gonna come out and ask perrie to help" Steve said, making the avengers laugh lightly. But me, newt and Perrie didn't get it.

"Ten bucks old man" john said back. "Fifty" Steve said back. They soon shook hands.

"Since when did Steve Rogers start placing bets" natasha said smugly as she sipped her orange juice.

Steve was going to say something but tony burst out of the room stumbling a little. The room behind him full of smoke.

"Dad?!" Perrie and john said in a panic. They got up not caring if they dropped anything.

That's when I realize that Tony's reactor was playing up on his chest. Flickering from bright blue to black.

"Tony?" The others said panicked as they rushed to him. Bruce got to the phone on the wall and started calling staff in.

Tony's POV
The last thing I saw before blacking out was my daughter's face over mine.


I grabbed alice and dragged her next to me. She carried our 1 year old girl and I held my 3 year old boy.

"Tony?" She whispered. "Shh" i whispered. "I look over the table we were behind and saw a bunch of people in amor rush into the house.

"Get pepper. I'll look after the kids here" I said. She nodded and handed me perrie. "Mummy!" John yelled. I clapped my hand to his mouth.

"Give me john. Stay here" alice instructed. I nodded and handed John over. They rushed away and Perrie cried.

"Shh baby, daddy's here" I say. I peek back over.

Bad mistake....

"Over here over here I found him!" A soldier yelled. Suddenly my table gets rip away and thrown to the other side of the room.

I gulp down.

"Ahh Mister stark! May what a beautiful thing you have there" A old man said trying to touch perrie but I pull her into me more.

The man clicks his fingers and men grabbed some by the arms.

They took perrie and handed her to the man. "Beautiful" he says playing with perrie's tummy.

Perrie cried out in giggles. But once he stopped she started crying and slapping his hands.

"Give me my daughter back strucker!" I yelled out angry. All I got in response was a punch to the gut.

I saw the man walking away with my daughter.



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