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Perrie's POV
I was in my room getting ready for this stupid ball. I was just touching up my hair.

Wanda was going and she was helping me along with Nat. I hated doing this without Ariel. It didn't feel right.

We were finally done and we go in separate cars. The men on one and woman in the other.

It was me and thomas. Wanda and human Vision. Natasha and Bucky.

Me and thomas were wearing a Matching blue.

Me and thomas were wearing a Matching blue

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I step out of the car readjusting my mask to my face

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I step out of the car readjusting my mask to my face.

A masculine man was there to help me. I grabbed his hands as he helped me out. "Thank you"

I stride away with my two girls and we walked up the stairs to the boys waiting for us.

Thomas took my arm. Vision took wandas and nat took bucky's.

"That man better have not touched you", Thomas said looking me up and down.

"He only guided me out the car. Lighten up. Have fun then we'll have a great job finding our friends and my brother." I explained.

We entered the big giant mansion. I could see millions of masked people. Dancing, drinking and talking.

Third Person
As the the girls went down the stairs the men state dup top. Bucky leaned towards Thomas.

"Make sure Perrie doesn't have any alcohol. If she does you need to put this inside" bucky said handing Thomas a long vial of clear liquid.

"What is th-" bucky cut Thomas off.

"Alcohol killer. Kills Al sense of alcohol" bucky then walked down the steps with vision meeting up with their dates.

"You ok?" Perrie asked as she held two glasses off wine. Thomas saw it and took the two glasses. Perrie looked at him confused.

"Bucky gave you the vial didn't he?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" Thomas asked.

"He does it all the time when I'm in these missions" perrie Explained. "I'm only 16"

"Yeah we boh are" Thomas said looking around.

"Well. I don't care" perrie said and grabbed a glass from thomas and drunk it. She gave Thomas a cheesy smile.

"Dance?" She asked. Thomas smiled and drunk his glass.

"Of course" and Thomas whisked her away onto he dancing floor.

The music started to slow and a slow dance started playing. Perrie looked up at thomas as he looked down on her.

"I love you Thomas" she whispered.

"I love you too" he whispered back. Perrie slid her arms down so her hands could hold Thomas neck.

She leaned forward and kissed him. Thomas smiled and kissed back.  They were kissing and enjoying the moment they had together.

John in the other had strode into the hall. He wore a black tux and a black mask. That is to his shape shifting he was able to hind from the avengers in plain site.

He spotted Thomas and Perrie dancing. He looked up and saw bucky and Wanda scouting the area.

Wanda and vision were at the food area. Vision wasn't eating just asking wanda if their were specific spices in the food he was holding.

John soon felt two pair of eyes on him. He looked up to see Natasha and Bucky staring at him suspiciously.

John got glass of wine from a waiter. He walked down the big steps onto the dancing floor.

He placed the now empty glass on a table and whisked a random lady to the dance floor.

"Oh! Uh hi!" The lady said. John raised an eyebrow under his mask. "Hello beautiful mind getting me to that couple over there? I am trying to save the lady from that horrid man" I say pointing to Thomas and Perrie.

"But they look so happy! Why would I help you? Why don't you find another girl to-" john cut the woman off by glowing his eyes.

The woman tensed then relaxed as her eyes fogged up with a mossy green. John smirked as the lady danced with him near Thomas and Perrie.

He readied the note. As he got close he saw the two kissing he found this the perfect moment.

Perrie felt a sharp point poke he run the side. She snapped open her eyes while pulling away from thomas.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked. "I felt something prick me" perrie said.

"Mrs and Mr Maryland!" A waiter said as he came forward with a tray.

"Here" he said. He bowed and lifted the tray top and a note was on it. "Thank Mr Wright" thomas thanked the man using he old man name tag.

"Good night" he said. Thomas took the letter quick before the old man closed it and walked away.

"That was weird" perrie mumbled.

Mr Wright walked away from the couple smirking. He went back into the kitchen and into the pantry.

A green aura covered the man head to toe before revealing john.

Poor Mr Wright was knocked out near the Tomatoes, which he was deadly allergic too.

John smirked.

Everything's going to plan!


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