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Dark scenes ahead!!
Thomas's POV
A week Later
Tony woke up and he was doing fine. They replaced his and perrie's reactors. We never got the time to talk to perrie. She was either busy in her father's lab, with John or at school with MJ and peter.

I feel like I blew it. I want to talk to her. I want her in my arms. I want her. I need her.

That's when I decided I'll talk to her. I got up from my seat in the compound library and looked around for her.

Maybe I was in the library trying to find stuff about her but that didn't exactly work.

I found her sitting alone on the balcony. Her reactor glowing through her blouse. "You gonna stand there staring or are you gonna talk?" Her voice rang out startlingly me.

"When are you going to talk?" I fired back. Maybe I was being pushy but I needed to know, why she's apparently not herself. She was all bubbly but sensed that motorbike practice thingy she's gone bitter.

"I'll talk when I'm ready" she shot back. I gulp down. She got up and walked towards me, taking her glass of her head and on the top of her head.

"Well are you ready"

"No" she goes to walk past me but I shot out my arm and wrapped it around the front of her torso. My hand grazing the side of her hips.

"Please. I want to take your offer but I can't be in a relationship with someone who's hiding something from me that's obviously hurting them" I explained.

I hear perrie sigh and plop her head on my shoulder. I shuffle I little over just so I can hug her.

My arms fully wrap around her her as she place her hands on my chest snuggling her head in the crook of my neck.

"I want to tell you but.... I don't want to scare you" she mumbled.

"Your not going to scare me. I've faced many scaring things" I confessed.

She sighed "gather newt and Ariel. I'll tell you guys all together" she said.

I smile and kiss her. She was taken back but soon kissed back. I pull away. "I can't wait to do that on a daily basis" she blushes at my statement.

Time skip
Ariel's POV
Thomas gathered me and newt and we sat down on the couch in perrie's room. Then we hear the door open and Perrie walks in with a video tape.

"Watch this, I'll answer any questions" perrie said placing the tape in a machine and the tv sprung alive.

⚠️WANRING: Dark themes ahead⚠️
There was a girl possibly 5 years old. Her blonde hair bounced as she ran around on a track.

Weird for a 5 year old.

Then it changed to an 8 year old, same girl. This time she was shaking in a cell like room. Her head twitched.

Suddenly it snaps up to the screen and seemed to stare right into my eyes. Her eyes glowed a bright blue.

Then the camera went fuzzy and static.

The scene changed to the girl in a room with a table placed in front of her.

On the table were knives and guns. Any kind. The girl picked a knife up and threw it at a person like target.


Then she grabbed a mini gun and and shot it five times. One in each limb and one in the head.

The scene changed and it was the same thing except a person with a bag over their head.

She did that exact moves.

Knife to the middle of the body, bullets to the limbs and a bloody hole straight threw the head.

I looked at Thomas and his mouth was a gape. Newt was very tightly holding my hand.

The scene moved again and the girl as strapped to a table. A man had a poker with a design on it. He stuck it onto the girl and the girl surprisingly didn't make a sound.

The scene once again flickered to the girl being back in her cell. A man in amor had a whip in hand as he moved closer to her.

"Relax baby girl. Daddy's going to be very careful" he smugly said. He disgusted me. The whip cackled as it hit the girl in the back.

Then the scene skipped to the girl being in this machine. She looked like she was going to blow.

Her eyes were flickering blue. Scientist were frantically running around. Then....


The camera goes fuzzy and static again as the girl snaps her head in a tilting position.

"There you go" perrie says as she removed the tape.

"Who was that girl?" newt asked. Perrie looked down as she lifted up her shirt to reveal a whip mark, and the exact same design on her side torso and across her back.

 Perrie looked down as she lifted up her shirt to reveal a whip mark, and the exact same design on her side torso and across her back

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"Your the girl?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. That looked like a lot for her, especially that age.

"When did it stop?" Thomas asked. "When I was 10. Dad found me" Perrie mumbled.

I sobbed as I rushed to her, embracing her into a tight hug. She buried herself into me.

Thomas came over along with newt and we have her a group hug. I saw Thomas kiss her head.

We pulled away as perrie started wiping her eyes but tears kept going.

"One question" I say breaking the silence making everyone stare at me.

"Why were your eyes glowing?"


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