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Perrie's POV
I sat down next to dad a she lay unconscious in a medical bed. We were still in the compound and nearly Everyone was set into a tizzy.

"Is he holding up?" Ariel asked as she entered handing me a pink smoothie. "He's going good, Bruce said he'll wake up soon. He said it's not any serious damage." I explained.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and sat opposite me. "You know perrie, Thomas told us what happened last night" I eyes snapped up to her.

"Of course he did" I mumble. Ariel was going to say something else but heard dad's monitor go funny.

"Get Bruce" I ordered. She rushed off and I scooted my chair away as I stood up. Bruce and doctors rushed in.

"He's arc reactor run it of charge! We need another one!" Bruce yelled.

"They're all at stark tower!" Happy yelled. "We won't have time" john added.

"Bruce... I know what to do"

Ariel's POV
We were all watching threw a glass window. We couldn't hear anything. We could only see.

What surprised me was Perrie taking off her shirt to reveal her sports bra and a metal thing.

It was planted on her chest in a triangle shape. It glowed a light blue like Tony's would.

 It glowed a light blue like Tony's would

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"She as an arc reactor?" Newt asked. "We found out perrie had a heart malfunction, because of her father." Steve explained.

Maybe that was what she was hiding. No. She wouldn't hide a simple arc reactor.

Bruce hands her some type of plug and she plugged it into her own reactor, while Bruce placed the other end in to Tony's.

I saw Perrie close her eyes and starting mumbling things. I hold newts hand as I saw pain cross perrie's face but it disappeared as soon as it came.

I was confused and I'm pretty sure newt and thomas saw it too. Now she didn't have any emotion as light started flicker in Tony's reactor.

Bruce nodded at perrie and she disconnected the plug. She nodded at Bruce before exiting the room.

She walked straight past us back to her room. Various shouts of her name were heard but she ignored them all.

Bucky and Wanda pushed past the us all and ran after her.

We decided watch them see what is going on. So we sneaked over to her door. I pushed it open a bit and sure enough there was Perrie crying on bucky's shoulder, with Wanda rubbing her back.

"I-i-i felt it buck. I-i-i f-felt it ag-gain. The pain. H-h-hydra people surrounding m-" perrie couldn't even finished as she sobbed.

Hydra? Hydra!! Holy shit! They must've done something pretty bad for them to break her down like this.

Perrie's Memory
Third Person
An eight year old girl sat on the table looking at the black metal walls caging her in.

The men in front of her held many tools and weapons that made her scared.

"Lay down little sunshine. Don't worry. Doctor Mond will fix you up" Doctor Mond said to her.

She gulped. This happened before, two days ago in fact. But fives hours after the experiment she did something extraordinary powerful.

Doctor Mond wanted to lessen the control of the vial liquid in her body. It made her... Stronger.

Which was partly the idea, but they didn't want her to wield such power at such a young age.

Perrie met the man's cold eyes as he started strapping her arms to the table. They were right and pulled on her skin.

"Now now perrie. Calm down. No need to be afraid" but she didn't care. She was mortified.

It hurt the first time and it'll hurt again.

Suddenly a strong pain shot through her body making her squeak. The pain got stronger, traveled faster into every part of her body.

She screamed out. Hot tears welled in her eyes. Mond didn't care for her. He didn't care that he was just making her stronger.


Ariel's POV
"Shh. It's ok" bucky soothed. Perrie kept crying. They both were worried just like us three.

"Do you think they'll think if me the same if I told them?" She suddenly asked. Her voice was nearly audible.

"Of course. If they can accept you know, they can accept you as for who you are." Wanda said.Perrie nodded and hugged the two tightly.

I squeezed newts hand.

Tell us please...


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