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Perrie's POV
I walked out of school and looked around before going to my motorcycle. "Hey!" I heard behind me.

I turn around to see ariel. "Hey! Umm you wanna maybe ride with me?" I asked. Ariel beamed at me.

"Of course!" I smile and out on my glasses and gave her a spare pair. Newt and Thomas came over.

"What are you guys doing the bus is r-" but I cut newt off by turning the engine on, making a loud noise.

"Sorry didn't here the last part!" Ariel said smugly bringing her hand to her ear.

I smirk at the boys. "Ariel the bus-" but I cut newt off by reviving the engine more.

"Okie boys we gotta go!" I yell over the noise. They were going to say something but ariel but them off.

"Bye boys" she yells waving goodbye as I drove us away. Leaving the boys to the stinky bus.

I road across the streets and Ariel looked around smiling. I rode into Starbucks and got us some drinks and then kept riding.

I look in one of my mirrors to see a lot of other bikers following in back suits. "Great!" I yelled.

I felt Ariel's confused face from.my back. "What's wrong?" She yelled over the noise.

"Hydra" is all I said before cranking up the engine and going faster as a yellow light appeared. I made and sharp turn making us top to the side.

Ariel's POV
I thought we were going to crash but perrie leaned us down more sending me into a state of panic.

She picked up something from the ground and used that to make us top up right. She took another turn trying to loose the people behind us.

We heard gun which panicked me more. Perrie turned again sending us in an allyway.

"Hop off.the bike when I say go" perrie said. "What?!"

"Go!" Perrie yelled. She dived off the moterbike and grabbed my arm so I jumped to.

The bike smashed into the wall making a small explosion. Perrie snapped her head towards the 8 men riding their own moterbikes.

"Nowhere to run now girls. Theirs a massive reward for you two and my men are.greedy" an ugly looking man sneered.

"Greedy? I think they should switch money to food, you guys are looking like two well old fries" perrie fired back.

My eyes widen. Her voice wasn't exactly kind. Out the corner of my eye I saw a drone. My eyebrows furrow.

"Well you diffently have the sarcasm like your father." Another man snapped.

"I try to be just like him" perrie says smiling. The men move closer.

Perrie looks at me and leans down putting a tiny gunning my hand. "When I say shoot. You shoot at that guy there" perrie says pointing to a guy with a mustache.

Perrie runs up to the men and grab some pepper spray from her boot and sprained it in three men's faces and kicked one of them making him fall into he others.

One grabbed her arm but she twisted it and the guy goes flipping on his back. Another man charged at her but she flipped dover and kicked him in the back making him join the pile of pepper sprayed men.

Two men lefted. "Shoot!!!" I heard perrie yell. I shot the gun but only a tazer came out and tazes one man.

Perrie punches one of the men then kicked him in the sensitive spot then flips and kicks him in the face.

The dude stumbles back into he tasered guy and they fall the pile. I was shocked.

"This isn't a real gun?!" I asked/yelled. "Yeah!! What?! You think dad's just gonna let me walk around with a really gun?!" Perrie shouts.

"Can you two stop?" We hear Natasha say annoyed. We turn to see her, john and dad.

"Great job kids. Great practice run" tony says.

"Practice?" Perrie and I say together. Tony smirks.

"Thanks dad. Thanks"


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