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Ariel's POV
"why didn't they stop me?" I said to myself as I climbed to the tops of bridge. "Why didn't newt just say he could do it" I groaned out as I looked down.

I clinged to the building. "If I die newt gets my food and my dead body"

I saw the helicopter and it had a machine gun aimed for me. "Fuck fuck fuck!" I cursed over and over.

The helicopter shot at me but I dodge them. They end up hitting the pillars I were trying to climb on.

Some if it crumbles to the ground. "What do I do perrie? Is there a disable cord or something?" I yelled into my com over the rumble of the helicopter.

"Go for the Wings! It's hydra! I can see the symbol. Try knock it on the tail!"

I look at the end on the helicopter and breath in and out. I back up an start running fall speed.

I jump off the building and black flip near the helicopter.

Third Person
She bearly missed the propelar as she kicked the tail of the air craft.

She got out of there just as the helicopter came swirling down with a crash. But the crash wasn't being as forgiving and easy.

The eruption cause the follow lines to come crashing down on Ariel. They started to electricute her.

She was able to untangle herself but as she  regained her focus she hit a sharp side of the bridge.

She came tumbling down. She nearly went of the edge of the bridge but was caught by newt.

But newt starting slipping. Thomas let go of his pillar and held onto newt stomping his feet into the bridge keeping them from falling.

Perrie held onto the pillars with her telekinesis her eyes burning blue. Newt got Ariel up and they all crashed to the ground exhausted.

Ariel could see the distressed look in perrie's eyes. Perrie fell to her knees trying to hold the pillars together.

"Get stark! Why aren't they here?!" Newt yelled. He had Ariel's head on his lap and he was going to take her mask off but Thomas stopped him.

"What?" Newt said. Thomas pointed to the drone in the air. "Stupid News Buggers" newt muttered.

Perrie stood up with pain and exhaustion. She swatted her arms and the pillars stopped falling to the side.

They stayed up like they were brand new.  But the floor below them was destroyed.

Perrie colasped to the ground exhausted and breathed In and out heavily. Thomas rushed to her.

"We need to get out of here. The pres will be here and Ariel needs her mask off" Perrie  said.

Thomas nodded. "Newt get us out of here!" He yelled. Newt nodded and teleported all four of them to avengers living room.

Ariel was standing up against the wall. She took of her mask and coughed. She coughs into her hand just to see blood come out.

"Ariel?" Newt asked. All the others had their masks off. Perrie was holding her Side and head while Thomas had his hand over her side hand.

"I'm fin-" Ariel cut herself off by falling to the ground. The others gasp and rush to her.

The avengers rush in. "Where were you?!" Perrie yelled at them. They all looked at her.

"Perrie. We got an urgent call, it lead us to a hydra base, that's why Steve and that left you at the Training tracks!" Tony yelled.

"Well didn't one of you guys get an alert about new York bridge!?" Thomas yelled.

They sighed and looked back at ariel.

"Bruce you better the get your ass here now and help my girlfriend before I speed you off a cliff"


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