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Ariel's POV
"-Me and newt will get everyone off. Thomas protect Perrie. Perrie disable those bombs." I said. They all nodded.

We went back in our car and grabbed the masks that were in the back. "We can't do this in These clothes" newt said.

I sigh and snap my fingers. Me and Per were in suits along with the boys. We put on our masks and we get out of the car.

 We put on our masks and we get out of the car

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"Remember no telling anyone about our identity and who we are" Newt reminded

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"Remember no telling anyone about our identity and who we are" Newt reminded. We all spilt up.

Third Person
Perrie ran towards the edge of the bridge and dived off. Thomas followed. He skidded down the side as Perrie plopped into the water.

He took a deep breath and went in with her. Once in the water he was meant with a normal breathing perrie.

He was confused until she made a bubble in her hand and put it over his head. He breathed probably.

Perrie put a bubble over her head. They swam to one of the pillars that let the bridge stand.

A bomb was placed on the wall and it had 20 seconds before blowing. "Perrie!" Thomas yelled.

Perrie looked at it and her blue tech eyes glowed. The bomb's numbers turned green rather than red.

Perrie yanked the bomb off and handed it to Thomas. "Hold my bombs" she said and swam to the next one.

Ariel stood on the bridge work red orange mist flowing from her hands. The mist traveled along the bridge as she tried to evacuate everyone.

Newt was speeding across the bridge helping people move faster. An old lady was trying to get out of her car.

Newt sped over and helped her out. "Oh! Let go of me you little shit!" The old lady yelled and hit new fin the head with her purse.

She kept whacking him till an orange red mist hit the side eof the lady's head. The old woman calmed down and clinged to newt.

Newt was confused till he looked up at ariel smiling at him. He sends her a smile and speeds off.

He dropped of the lady at a local rest home.  He sped back behind Ariel and grabbed her waist.

"Thank you love" he whispered taking off his mask a little kissing her neck.

"Can you two not? We're saving people's lines here" Thomas scolded and he jumped down from a pillar. "And put tht mask back o-" Thomas cut off by the pillar starting to colaspe.

"FUCK!" Is three yelled. Thomas smashed his hands inside the giant stone and tried lifting it up.

"Where's perrie?!" I shouted. "Don't worry. I'm trying to disable the bomb's from underneath" I heard her voice.

I sighed in relief. "How many left on the bridge?" Newt asked.

"According to my calculations and the cameras on the bridge. Only 20 remain." Perrie said.

"Ok. Thomas keep the pillar up. Perrie keep disabling. Newt me and you need to get these people off. From now on, our responsibility is not to sink the bridge"  I explained.

"Why not? Can't just build a new one?" Thomas said. I heard someone slapping their head but it wasn't newt or me.


"Cause genius. The crashing off the bridge will cause a massive tidal wave. Possibly knocking out the whole of east Queens, the north of New York and Half of Brooklyn!" Perrie explained and another bomb sent off shaking the bridge.

Screams were heard and me and newt shared a look.

"Stop arguing like a Old couple and get your heads in the game." Newt sassed into he Coms.

He sped off while I climbed onto a car to give me a good view of the bridge. "Perrie's where's the best view of the bridge?" I asked.

She was kind alike our personal AI. "Kinda busy here!" I hear her and a beep comes from her Side of the com. Then a massive explosion happens in the water rocking the whole bridge.

"Perrie you good?" I said into the Coms. "Y-Y-Yeah good" she stuttered.

I look tot he side of the bridge to see perrie holding her waist. I rushed to her. "I'm fine. Honestly." She reasures with a smile and stands up straighter.

"People all cleared. No one is left on the bridge" newt said as he came to us.

Us three went to Thomas how was holding up a pillar but he was struggling.

"Bombs are all clea-" perrie was cut off again by a massive explosion hitting another pillar.

She used her telekinesis to hold it up but it was slightly faltering. "Someone's firing at us. A helicopter, east of the north point of the bridge" she explained. We were all confused.

"Can you simplify that? We're all not part robot!" Newt sassed. He was puffed I could tell. All that bloody running.

"Up there!" Perrie pointed. I shared a look with newt. Thomas and Perrie were trying to keep the main pillars surported and newt was not going anywhere.

He was tired I could tell. And he can't exactly run faster with his limp. And I wouldn't expect him to go faster.

"I'll do it. Just stay focused. Keep the bridge up"


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