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Third Person
Klaue stumbled to the floor clutching his cheek. John stood over him with Green eyes.

"Touch my sister like that again. And your other arm will come off" john sneered.

John clicked his fingers and Klaue poofed away. "You have the boy right?" John asked Erik.

"Of course. Now where's my part of the deal?" Erik growled. John raised and eyebrow.

"You really think I would make a deal with a villian?! You really think that?!" John yelled.

He looked at Erik. "Don't cross me john" Erik said pulling out a gun and was about to shoot when he was shot.

John looked up and saw the Avengers. Fuck... He cursed in his head.

"What are you doing Jr?" Tony said smugly.

"So it's you kidnaping the kids. I thought you were better than this" john gulped at his father's words.

"I am. I'm doing this to protect Perrie. You tasked me with hat job dad. To prote-" Steve cut him off.

"By locking her friends up?! What's wrong with you?! Somethings obviously gotten to you" Steve yelled.

"I am not locking up her friends. I'm setting my sister free!" John yelled.

"How are you setting her free?! Your indangering her!" Bucky yelled and cocked his gun.

John flinged the gun out of bucky's hand with his telekinesis. The avengers stare at him shocked.

"Perrie's not the only one with forbidden powers" john said and he lunged at the avengers his body transforming into a large black Puma.

He whacked half the avengers over and growled at them. He roared and the walls and roof blow off and tumble over the other side of the forest.

"Spread out and find the kids" Clint said into the coms. Men in dark black amor appear and start fighting the avengers.

Bucky and Sam go find the kids. Since the walls and roof blew off that room all they had to do was fly over the enemy and enter the door and find the kids.

Just as Sam grabbed Bucky's outstretched arm they were blasted tot he side by a green beam.

"NOW THE GIANT PUMA START SPITTING FIRE!" Bucky yelled out frustrated. He start shooting at the beast.

John turned around and gave the trees a shove the were behind bucky and Sam. The tree's tumble to the ground but no one was hurt.

"Someone get the kids! Sam and I are down!" Bucky said into he coms.

Sams wings were trapped under the tree. Bucky arm too.

"Natasha get the kids!" Tony yelled into he ear piece. "I'm a bit busy!" Natasha said as she rolled over a man and tased him before more gaurds and soldiers run at her.

The avengers kept fighting. But they were going down. Hard.

John's giant puma body moved towards the avengers.

Then something happened.

Two people came out of nowhere and landed on the ground. The avengers stare in shock as it was Perrie in a weird suit and Ariel.

But ariel wasn't beaten up like the picture. She looked like no on even touched her. But she wore a suit that matched her eyes.

Red orange.

Red orange

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Perrie's eyes shone blue

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Perrie's eyes shone blue. She moved her hand and half the soldiers hit flew into trees.

Ariel pushed out her arms aiming at the other half. A fire like mist flew from her hands and burned the soldiers.

John growled at the two. He detransfrormed.

"Why john? Why did you do this" Perrie asked.

"I was doing it to protect you!" John yelled his eyes glowing green.

"To protect me from what?!" Perrie yelled back. Ariel breathed harshly as Thomas and newt randomly teleported beside her.

"From you! And the world!" John yelled out frustrated. "I'm protecting you from people who want to use you! Like these three!" John pointed at newt, Ariel and Thomas.

"Their the problem!" He finished.

"No! Your the problem!" Perrie yelled. Suddenly she went invisible. John growled. Then john started fist fighting an invisible force that no on could see.

Except him.

Most of their powers didn't work on each other. Like John's mind control and perrie's invisibility.

Then perrie became visible to everyone and kicked john in the nose with her knee.

Ariel Marche up to the Nose holding man and kicked him in the No no square.

John crouched down.

Tony walked up to his beaten up son and cuffed him. John looked at the cuffs and smirked.

"These won't stop me!" He yelled. He goes to use his powers but nothing comes out.

"Special cuffs brother" Perrie says smirking. She walked towards him and cupped his cheeks.

"I thought you were better than this. But I was wrong. I loved you Johnny..." Perrie said. She looked down and walked away.

"Perrie wait! Please!" John called. Perrie just kept going till she reached the Quin jet and stayed in there.

She bent her knees up to her chest. Tears spilled from her eyes. She loved john. He was her brother.

He was her brother...

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