4 ⊷ Apples

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two chaotic besties


"HENDERY!" Yangyang shouted as he ran away from Haechan. "HELP ME!" 

Hendery shook his head slowly and saluted before he said, 
"You're on your own, son." 

Lazily raising his eyes from his laptop's screen, Kun glimpsed up at Yangyang who hid behind Lucas, using him as a shield against Haechan. Then he briefly looked over to Ji-yoon and Jisung who stood at the entrance of the room. 

He cleared his throat. "Haechan," he warned. "That's enough." 

The boy huffed. "He's gonna get himself killed." 

"That's my problem then," Yangyang argued which made Haechan even more upset. He poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he looked up at Lucas.

"Step away." Just two words. Two words that giant boy could have ignored and he would have been fine, yet he somehow felt a little nervous at the younger one's anger. 

So he just gave him a small nod, stepped to the side. 

Yangyang watched him with wide eyes. "How could you?!" he whined, betrayal echoing in his voice. Lucas just shrugged. 

He was all alone now. There was nothing keeping Haechan away from him. There was nowhere to go. 

He lost. 

Or rather... he had no options left except for a last, desperate one. 

So he raised his arm, pointed at something behind Haechan. "Ji-yoon told me to do it!" 

A loud gasp came from the girl. She motioned towards herself in a questioning manner.
"That's a lie!" 

Lucas leaned to the side, closer to Yangyang. "Who is she?" 

"A friend." 

"You two know each other?" Jisung asked in surprise, then turned to Ji-yoon. 

But he didn't get an answer, because Ji-yoon's attention was quickly averted to Haechan who, to be quite frank, wasn't even surprised. 

He had only known her for a day but somehow he couldn't bring himself to be surprised. 

What he did get himself to feel though was irritation. 

"You again?" Haechan asked, making her frown. 

"You sound disappointed." 

He shook his head. "I don't have any expectations for you, there is no way you can disappoint me." 

Ji-yoon inhaled sharply through her teeth. "Ouch." 

"But I am curious," he continued. "Because you seem kind of smart so how can you be so incredibly stupid and tell him to post an article about this?"

Raising her hands in surrender, she took a step back as Haechan took a step towards her. 

"First of all," she began, then smirked and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "I'm flattered that you think I am smart. How sweet of you." 

Haechan rolled his eyes. 

"Secondly, Yangyang can post about whatever he wants," she argued. "I merely told him that we'd stand behind him in case anything happened and now look at how you are behaving." 

"How  am behaving?" he questioned. "Yangyang's article attracted city-wide attention." 

"That's good for their newspaper!" Ji-yoon argued. 

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