32 ⊷ Hell

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Changbin took off his shoes, put down his bag and--


At the click that came from the gun as Ji-yoon moved the lever forwards, the gun safety no longer enabled, he stopped what he was doing. He didn't turn his head nor move at all. He just stared at the wall before him that lay in the darkness of his apartment. 

Still, he was curious. He had to ask.

"What do you want?" 

"A chat~" Ji-yoon replied enthusiastically, "and your phone."

Her light-hearted tone and swift reply made him look at her. His nervosity drowned in curiosity when he looked at her eyes that seemed somewhat familiar. With this lack of light, however, it was hard to pinpoint where he knew her from. 

He scoffed. "Why would I give it to you?" 

"Oh," she replied awkwardly. "I was trying to be polite. If you won't give it to me, I will just take it. I just thought, you know, I would be a little civil." 

"Holding a gun to my head is civil?" 

"More so than kidnapping innocent people just because your company sucks," she retorted, not yet dropping the sweetness that she drenched her words in. She held out her hand. "Now." 

He ended up obliging, quietly giving in and handing her his phone. She stuffed it into her pocket, then walked around Changbin so that she was standing behind him. She pressed the gun's muzzle against the back of his head and pushed against it which prompted him to take a step forward. Only now did he notice the other person that was there with them. 

He followed Haechan into the living room, where Ji-yoon guided him to the sofa and made him sit down. She took a step back, lowered her gun. 

"Why the masks?" Changbin asked cockily. "Should I believe that you won't kill me?" 

"I never said that I won't kill you," Ji-yoon corrected him quickly. "I am just not going to kill you yet." 

He scoffed. "What do you want?" 

Ji-yoon frowned. "How impatient." 

"Only because you bitch keep interfering!" Changbin spat. 

"Watch what you say," Haechan warned.

Changbin laughed. "You are defending her? She is a murderer." 

Neither of the two could deny that. He was right.

Then again, it confused her how he could put himself on a pedistol and then look down on her like that. 

She walked up to him, crouched down in front of him. Her proximity surprised Changbin. After all, he wasn't restrained so when she rested her elbows on his thighs and leaned closer, he wasn't sure what she was going to do. 

But then she took a deep breath, pressed the muzzle of her gun against his neck and tilted her head to the side as she inspected his face. 

"You think really highly of yourself, don't you?" she wondered. "Maybe you didn't kill these people but you ordered it. What makes you think you are better than me?" 

"I am not just doing this for no reason," he said in his defence, making her chuckle. 

"So that's it? 'The end justifies the means' and all that bullshit?" she asked in disbelief. "You think your reasons are so great that it justifies taking the lives of innocent people?"

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