55 ⊷ UNO

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should've made this a HaechanxChenle au instead man but it's too late now  


Haechan unlocked the door to his apartment. He and the rest of the Dreamies shared a spacious flat. 

San followed carefully, hesitant to enter the unfamiliar space. However, he ended up walking inside, right behind the younger one. He took off his shoes, closed the door.

"It's okay, they won't mind having you here," Haechan reassured San who nodded wordlessly. 

"Who are you talking..." Jeno began as he walked into the room to see what was going on, "...to? Oh, hey San." 

"San's here?" Jaemin asked from within the living room, then got up and quickly rushed over to Jeno. 

The two boys looked at their old acquaintance in surprise who bowed his head a little, trying to stay polite as he felt his sudden appearance might be causing discomfort or misunderstanding. 

"Where's Chenle?" Haechan meanwhile asked as he walked inside. He didn't mean to leave San standing there but he had other things on his mind. It was fine though because while Jeno said, 


and followed Haechan inside, Jaemin waited for San. He smiled at him, which was a big part of why he managed to relax a little.   

"This is your first time here, right?" he asked as San walked up to him with a nod. "Make yourself at home! You look so stiff. We're friends, right?" 

Gratefully, San nodded once again. "Thank you." And then he followed him into the living room that turned out to be connected to the kitchen. 

"Chenle," Haechan called the younger one who just happened to step out of the kitchen with an ice cream tub in his hand. 

"Hey." He glimpsed at San, then back at Haechan, quickly reading the room. "Oh, you need something. What is it?" 

"Your help." 

Chenle nodded, eating a spoonful of his ice cream. "Tell me what happened."

Haechan hesitated, briefly glimpsed back at San, Jeno and Jaemin before saying, 

"Joon was arrested for murder." 

While Jaemin reacted with a shocked gasp and Jeno laughed almost in disbelief, Chenle gave him no reaction of that kind whatsoever. He just paused, a half-full spoon of ice cream hanging in the air as he carefully asked,

"...and? ...did she do it?" 

Baffled, Haechan was too stunned to speak. He looked back at his friends, quickly realizing that that was the exact question they all were asking themselves.

Jaemin's gasp and Jeno's disbelief didn't stem from them being shocked at her potentially having killed someone. 

They were just shocked that she got caught. 

"No," Haechan quickly said. "He was a friend. Besides, she was with us all evening long and judging from the body's state he was murdered not long before we got there." 

Chenle nodded, thinking to have understood what was going on. 

Meanwhile, Renjun entered the room, utterly relaxed at all that he had just heard. 

"'Before we got there'," he repeated Haechan's words calmly. "So you got there together but only you two got out?" 

"She asked us to leave," San pointed out first so Haechan wouldn't have to say it. 

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