35 ⊷ Tree

859 54 8

very short chapter incoming~

also, Yuqi and Sejeong are almost the same height, so here is some reference for the beginning of this chapter


Ji-yoon slung her arms around Lucas who had just gotten himself a glass of water. Though pleasantly surprised by her affectionate gesture, he also wanted to go back to the living room and play with the others. 

So, unsurprisingly unbothered, Lucas quickly bent his knees, tightly wrapped his free hand around the girl's waist and then straightened his legs again. The combination of an average-sized, light-weighted girl and a strong, tree-sized boy resulted in Lucas just casually carrying the girl, that was holding onto him tightly, into the living room with him. 

A couple of steps later and Lucas informed the room and the girl, 
"We have arrived, milady." 

"Thank you good sir," Ji-yoon said happily as she let go and slid the couple of centimetres down to the floor before she let herself fall onto the sofa behind her. 

"How'd it go today?" Ten asked curiously, all of his attention on the girl that had yet to let them know about anything regarding the little encounter with Changbin. 

"Alright," Ji-yoon said. "I think I was pretty convincing." 

Kun glimpsed up from his laptop to get a look at the girl. "Did you take off your mask?" 

Ji-yoon nodded. "Of course not." She smiled widely. "You told me to be mindful of that."  

"So, when are you going to get his reply?" Yangyang asked. He was immersed in the game she was trying to play. All that she pretended to be and to know and to see. "Soon?" 

"I would be happy to know that he takes his time to research everything. Even if his answer is going to be late, I will be glad as long as he knows why he is doing what he is doing." 

"You sound like a mom," Lucas mumbled. 

"I would be a great mom~" 

"No," Kun and Ten said simultaneously. 

"Pft." But she quickly brushed it off. "By the way! I was wondering if you guys are free in the next couple of days." 

You guys. 

That could have been all seven of them, yet Winwin and Lucas were already more than busy with JYP. And Xiaojun and Hendery deserved a break after having worked overtime just to publish their newest article: 

The Mayor's House of Murder

While it was necessary to increase the pressure on JYP and Kang, they knew this wasn't enough to create a lasting impact on them, as the general public wasn't going to care too much. The fact that the old office building was owned by Mayor Kang's company wasn't going to change that. 

But it was a start. 

"I'm surprised Kun and Joon let us publish that article," Xiaojun mumbled. 

Hendery quickly agreed. "The name's borderline defamation." 

"More than borderline," Kun mumbled. 

"Don't you guys worry," Ji-yoon said, trying to sound reassuring as she added, "I know a good lawyer." 

Kun sighed. 

While the others were busy writing articles and doing researt, Kun was busy with everything else. Administrative work, everything related to IT, a couple of tasks unrelated to WayV, babysitting his six friends and that one random girl that somehow became part of their little family - Kun was already exhausted as it was.  

That only left Ten and Yangyang to be you guys

"We should be. Why?" Ten asked.

"Just in case I need a spontaneous favour."

"Sounds like she is doing something dumb again," Kun noted but Ji-yoon was quick to disagree.

"No, we are going to do something dumb." 


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