46 ⊷ Lie

840 43 14

weather update: the sun's shining bright today


Mayor Kang held a popular newspaper clamped tightly in his hand. He raised it and aimed it at CEO Park before throwing it at the man with all the force he could muster. 

Although he noticed what Kang was about to do, Park didn't avoid it. He just let him throw it and allowed the older to take out his anger, even if it barely helped. 

"I told you to handle it and this is what you do?!" Kang shouted at the man whose eyes fell onto the newspaper's headline. 

The Victims of Kang's Hound Dog

"They are going after me, Park!" he spat, failing to control his anger. "You said you have it under control!" 

"I do- I-" He stumbled over his words. He was stressed enough as it was, his mind running laps in attempts to find a solution to all this. A way out. 

There was none. 

"I have it under control-"

"Bullshit!" He took a step towards the CEO, then stopped when he realized he was not worth the effort. He attempted to calm down, took a deep breath and looked at Park. "You have half a dozen lawyers coming for you, Park, and if you don't handle this now then they will come for me too." 

They hadn't thought of it; that DREAM and WayV weren't alone. That they had a team of lawyers and prosecutors as friends who were willing to go to court for them. 

"I don't even know how--"

"Because you cannot even do one fucking thing right," Kang muttered, not bothering to let him finish. "Didn't you hear? There are witnesses. This isn't just hearsay or some disgruntled customers trying to get you in trouble. You left behind enough witnesses to justify having a lawsuit filed against you."

Despite all the anger he had rushing through his veins, despite the anxiety that was climbing its way into his mind, Kang managed to laugh. He laughed to himself because, 

"How could I trust a fucking idiot like you?" 

It wasn't hard to see that Kang intimidated Park and yet this was too much - even for him. Trust? 

"If you insist to talk about trust, then why don't you explain to me why you came rushing into the hospital that day?" Park inquired, unable to hold back his anger. 

"Wait," Felix interrupted Changbin. He leaned forward, hands on the dashboard to support his torso as he focused on a man that was hastily approaching the hospital. "Isn't that mayor Kang?"

Following his friend's gaze, Changbin quickly found the mayor as he hurried over to the building's entrance.

"You said Juno was a girl, right?" Felix inquired which the other only replied to by nodding. "The timing is weird. What is he doing here?" 

"What?" Kang questioned, a brow raised as he stepped closer yet again. "That's been on your mind? Are you dumb? No wonder your plans failed if you can't even use your brain." 

Feeling a sense of confidence, Park was now the one that felt justified to ask questions. He too stepped closer. 

"Explain yourself then," he urged. "What were you doing there?" 

Park surely was no idiot. He wasn't going to allow Kang to run all over him. He wasn't going to go down like this. He wasn't going to just watch while--

"I got a call that one of my relatives has had an accident," Kang explained. He was even more intimidating than normal because of how calmly he was speaking. "Of course I rushed there, only to find out that the call was fake." He looked at Park arrogantly. "I've been tricked," he admitted. "And so have you, Park." 

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